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Friendship: Wow What The Heck #shorts

I am very sure all of you have at least 1 best friend in secondary school and honestly, the others can be normal friends. Friends are very important, and I cannot agree more. It is quite obvious that they can help us whenever we need them. I cannot be more enlightened more by the complicated psychology of friendship and how it affects us as a whole.

Now, here are 10 Friendship Formula Rules I extracted from a book:

  1. Be the friend you wish to have.

  2. Ditch toxic friends immediately and without hesitation.

  3. Invest in the friendships that bring you the most joy and let others go with gratitude for the lessons they taught you.

  4. Believe you deserve to be treated with respect and love by all of your friends.

  5. Accept that it is OK to let a friendship go, guilt-free, if it's run its course.

  6. Love bomb your closest friends often and without reason.

  7. Make the most of your work wives and husbands -- they will make your work environment a happier place to be and can help develop your career.

  8. Never hold onto a friendship out of a sense of duty.

  9. Learn to enjoy your own company and find the positives in spending time alone

  10. Remember to treat yourself with kindness.

A real friendship should not fade as time passes, and should not weaken because of space separation.
- John Newton (Former American Actor)

Trust me, everyone has had their own experiences in friendship and I have been in toxic relationships as well and I haven't doubted to break the friendship.

No one would want to live without friends, as Aristotle once said, since being alone is simply to much to take in and as we slowly continues through the new year of 2022, we will remember 2021 as a not-so-wonderful year but we have to hope for better in 2022.

Two extracts from a Chinese Song

"感謝你 我的好兄弟

背叛了我 離開我 用完了就丟

感謝你 親愛的朋友

在我背後 捅著我 幫我帶節奏"

English Translation

"Thank you my good brother

Betrayed me, left me, and throw it away

Thank you dear friend

Behind me, stabbing me, helping me bring the rhythm"

"抱歉了 討厭我的人

知道你 看不起我 不能再振作

抱歉了 可敬的對手

對不起 讓你失望 我還沒墜落"

English Translation

"Sorry, people who hate me

Knowing that you look down on me, can't cheer up

I'm sorry, respectable opponent

I'm sorry to disappoint you, I haven't fallen yet"

Leave a comment down below on whether you agree with me about friendship! And if you haven't already, please subscribe to D&KB Writing by filling in the Subscribe Form at the bottom of the page.

P.S. A production on friendships will be released at the end of this month, this is just a sneak peek!

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