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Chess Is SO HARD! (NSI 2022 U14 Open Section Chess Tournament Round 1-3 Recap) ROUND 4-7 COMING SOON

For the first round of the National Schools Individual Chess Tournament, I received a Bye, which meant I was not able to be paired up with another player but I still got 1 point.

However, for Round 2, I was paired up with Lichess player @blueheartsglow, who had a provisional rating of 1885, while my provisional rating was only 912. I still won and here is the game...


A ?? blunder of a bishop which results in the loss of a black queen...

As you can see on move 13, 13. … Bxa4 was a horrible blunder of a bishop and check made by my opponent, where my advantage indefinitely shot up to 8.8. I was able to follow up with a check on the black king with my queen and with the key move, 15. Bb5, pinning the queen to the king.

Black queen is pinned to the king on move 15! Shocking and unexpected blunder...

After my opponent's queen was gone from the board, I was able to checkmate my opponent on move 36, getting the dub in only about 10 minutes!

Final Position during Checkmate

Fast and inaccurate play cause the downfall of my opponent as the quicker moves are made, the more the possibility of bigger blunders, which caused the loss of my opponent's queen. Good game, I would say...

I gained 59 ELO while my opponent lost 193 as he was double my ELO and yet he lost...


I found another guy who is also from RV and I decided to have a chat with him and eventually we played a game @sleepypillow, good job on winning.

Generally I had advantage during the opening to the middlegame and my move Rc5 as black lost the game as white could now force a rook trade and I could not prevent the promotion of a queen. I eventually resigned after a few moves...

A Blunderful game by me

Checkmate is unavoidable for me, GOOD JOB @sleepypillow GG!


Upon the start of Round 3, I was looking at my computer screen in shock. A 1955 is going against me, a 971 rated player, it was an outrage! Nevertheless I played on, against @Zichen_Liu. A further downside was that I got the black pieces!

A casual Queen's Gambit Declined but I forgot to play the key move c5...

A massive blunder made by my opponent 12. b4??

It was a massive blunder, and unfortunately, A MISSED WIN FOR ME TOO!

12...Nxb4 13.Ke2 (13.axb4 Bxb4 14. Bd3 Nxc3) Nxc3+ 14.Rxc3 Nc6 15. Rc5 f6 16. Bh4 Bb6 17. Rxd5 Be6 18. Rb5 Bc4+ 19. Ke1 was the crucial line

My bishop was pinning the king and thus it would be a free knight only if I sacrificed the knight for the pawn! However, I did not spot it...

This generally felt like an equal position, I wanted to offer a draw for I thought he was a strong player, but my mind persuaded me to play on.

This was clearly a lost position due to Ra4 and White cannot save that pawn, I simply have more pawns and I will eventually promote them and win.

45. Kf3?? loses to 45...Ra4! Too bad...

I will clearly promote with a1=Q, I am winning!

After some time, my opponent was checkmated on move 67 and I heaved a huge sigh of relief and went for lunch, happy with my results.



Credits to:

Chess Is SO HARD! (NSI 2022 U14 Open Section Chess Tournament Round 1-3 Recap)

© Da Good Writer (Team Master Writers)


National Schools Individual 2022 Round 1-3 Results

Thanks to:

Whoever has supported me through my journey to the Chess Tournament



Photo Credits:

D&KB Writing

Singapore Chess Federation

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