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Writer's pictureThe Good Writer

Headline News of the Day, Kai Bo's News Report

As good as he thinks he his, President Trump has been impeached yet again after his previous impeachment in 2019. The President of the United States, Mr. Donald Trump, has made history by being impeached 2 times. This is the first time this has happened. From Joe Biden's speech just after the assault on the Capitol, he called it a "insurrection", therefore, Trump was charged with incitement of insurrection. It was said that a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol, causing injuries and a total of 4 deaths. Today, the Congress of the United States of America took a vote whether to impeach Mr. Trump or not.

There were 222 Democratic and 10 Republican votes to impeach Mr. Trump while 197 Republicans votes against Trump's impeachment. The US Senate will be starting Mr. Trump's impeachment trial only after he has left office and the Biden administration will take over. Mr. Trump's Republican supporters who backed Trump has blamed the Democrats for the Storming of the Capitol.

This is a Message from Trump that was posted on YouTube.

While Trump remains to be impeached twice, let's look at other US Presidents that had been impeached as well.

Bill Clinton was quite a cool Democrat President but an impeachment trial was set against him in 1998. He was said to have a sexual relationship with a White House intern. While the score was almost a tie, the impeachment still succeeded but failed to remove him from office during his term.

Richard Nixon, a key player during the time of the Cold War, had won a landslide victory in the election. Unfortunately, the Watergate scandal was something that was called as evidence to impeach Nixon. Nixon himself was also losing Republicans that supported him, thus, he resigned a day after Republicans that he would definitely be convicted and impeached.

Andrew Johnson, a Democrat who was the vice-president before President Abraham Lincoln's assassination by John Wilkes Booth, became president after the American Civil War had been mostly resolved. He did not violate any rules but he was in a power struggle with the Republican-run-parliament, which led an impeachment trial to be enforced in 1868. It did succeed to impeach Mr. Johnson, but was 1 vote from being able to remove him from office.

Trump has not been removed from office yet as not two-thirds of voters have voted to kick him from office, thus he cannot be kicked from his office. Mr. Donald J. Trump will most likely finish his last days of his term without being removed from office any earlier.

Thank you for reading!!!

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