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Writer's pictureThe Good Writer

Risk The Written Words Chapter 1: Time Traveler (New Year Special)

Updated: Feb 18, 2022

Episode 6 of The Hidden Series

Note: This is also a small backstory of what the future holds for The Good Writer's creative writings.


After the interview with ze yeeter about death, The Good Writer realised that his best friend was going to be captured soon as well and the interviewer, was Edward, the reincarnated version of Edgar the Eraser. However, as Edgar had killed him, The Good Writer was trapped in Heaven.

With The Map To All Dimensions, a clone generator, a space-time portal, two watches and five cows, The Good Writer managed to return back to Earth. Landing in Edward's top-secret headquarters, he battled Edward yet again, with the sole goal to save D&KB Writing's livelihood and ze yeeter's safety.

Chapter 1: Time Traveler

Date: 1 January 2022

Time: 4.16p.m.

Location: Edward's Base

"Edward, how dare you, I won't let you hurt my best friend!" Edward grimaced at The Good Writer as he lunged at him. The Good Writer wrote the word "knives" and immediately, 10 knives appeared out of nowhere and as he pointed towards Edward, they flew towards the 13-year-old ghost. Edward leaped into the air and sent 10 erasers back, erasing the knives and heading straight towards The Good Writer. The Good Writer dodged them one by one and with his faithful Golden Pen in his palm, he started writing all sorts of obstacles before escaping from Edward's fortress. Edward followed The Good Writer.

"Muahahahaha! Well, honestly, I think the simplest way to destroy you, is to obliterate the past..." The Good Writer swung his pen at Edward as he turned around, desperately trying to kill him but to no avail. Edward circled around his opponent with his eraser, creating a small force field, delaying The Good Writer. Edward flew all the way down to the ground, running towards The Good Writer's space-time portal. Struggling out of the force field, The Good Writer pounced on Edward as he entered the portal and punched him towards the ground.

A bright light flashed, blinding both people. As they fell through the space-time portal, they realised that there was a definite change in location, a place that had been a distant but surprisingly memorable significance to him.

Date: 4 November 2020

Time: 11.26a.m.

Location: Riverside Primary School

The Good Writer looked around in disbelief. "Damn it!" Edward lunged at The Good Writer, knocking him down onto the hard concrete on the Parade Square. He tried retaliating, jumping back up, kicking him in his face despite missing. Edward flew upwards from the square towards the last classroom on the fifth floor. The Good Writer followed but was struggling to recover from the various injuries he suffered. He could not let his past self die, Edward was trying to kill himself from the past so that no one, and absolutely no one could ever stop his reign on Earth in the future. The Good Writer saw ze yeeter and his past self, who had arrived back in class early, "Watch out!" He warned as Edward swooshed above Kai Bo's head. Both Edward and The Good Writer landed with a thud as the past Kai Bo and ze yeeter watched in shock. Edward sent a flying dagger at The Good Writer as he drew his shield. Unfortunately, the dagger flew through the shield, stabbing through The Good Writer's chest, causing him to fall to the ground in pain.

Edward was on the verge of succeeding in his plan. He immediately turned towards past Kai Bo, who was looking at the scene, afraid for his life. The Good Writer whipped out a small orb from his pocket, "I can't believe it, I have no choice..." He groaned. Edward drew his sword, and as he got ready to stab Kai Bo, The Good Writer shouted "Ebibo Evil!" and the orb let out a loud roar, at the same time releasing mist, obstructing Edward's vision. Slowly, Edward was getting absorbed by the orb as it drained The Good Writer's energy. "NOOOOOOO! I WILL BE BA-" A small explosion occurred and Edward was gone, leaving behind The Good Writer, who was groaning weakly. Blood was all over the cement floor, "Kai Bo! Come here!" The Good Writer shouted with the leftover energy he had. He plastered a strained grin before starting to speak to his past self, "Here, take...take this...lett-letter, it'll...explain-plain...everything..."

It was a small, open envelope with a brown-coloured card in it. The Good Writer muttered "Help" The Good Writer then passed out and fell lifelessly on the floor, disappearing. All that was left was the little orb, glowing radiantly.

Past Kai Bo was speechless. Looking at ze yeeter, he opened the letter, and read out the following words:

Dear Kai Bo,

    Hi, I am The Good Writer, and even if you don't believe it, I am the future you from 2021. If you are even reading this letter, I should be already dead and honestly, let me tell you what has happened. 
    Everything follows the Yin-Yang principle, therefore all matter and energy has its opposite. You are not spared. Opposing your power to write is a mad villain called Edgar the Eraser, who has the power to erase anything and everything at his own will. 
    If you look at where I probably died, you would see that small orb, and also most importantly, a pen with golden jewels in it. The pen is The Magic Pen. If you don't believe it, write whatever you want in the air and it will appear in front of you. Do not be greedy though as the golden jewels in the pen are the so-called magical fuel that ensures that this pen works. In my timeline, this is how I defeated Edgar. However, his Boss turned Edgar into Edward the Eraser, a ghost who is even more powerful and mad than Edgar. 
    Some time later, I saw 2 people fighting in an alleyway. However, it turned out to be Edward fighting against an illusion of himself for practice. Walking into his trap, I was seen and then killed by him. You only saw me because I managed to escape from Heaven, but I've probably been killed again by my spell. 
    If I am not wrong, I would have taken out an orb, which has absorbed my energy to trap Edward in it. Edward will not be trapped in the orb for long since the magical energy from my spell is fuelling the orb. Once the energy runs out, he will be able to wreak havoc in this world.
     Thus, I am trusting that you will be able to help me. This is what you need to do:
     1. Do what I did and defeat Edgar in order to save the world. 
     2. When you see 2 people fighting in an alleyway, don't help them, but run away as fast as you can and don't let him find you. Like I said, it was a trap by Edward. 
     3. Hide the orb in a cave at the bottom at the Straits of Malacca, where your universe's copy of The Magic Pen is stored. The magical energy of the pen will keep the orb sealed when my own energy runs out. 
     4. Lastly,your (and my) friends, Darius and Denise, you need to protect them and most importantly, the whole class of 6 Sincerity. I will need you to be able to harness the power of this pen. Time is limited until Edgar starts to wreak havoc on the world. I hope that you will make the right choices in the face of danger. Make sure that safe.
     The world, your class, your friends and myself are counting on you, believe in yourself and change history...
Best regards,
The Good Writer
31 December 2021 (Earth Time)

"Damn!" Kai Bo picked up the magical pen on the floor and wrote the word "pencil" in the air. Instantly a Pilot 0.5 mechanical pencil magically appeared in the air. Darius caught it in his palm. "You can keep that for your drawings, Darius." Recess was finally over and students came rushing back to class. Kai Bo quickly pocketed the orb and magical pen. He did not really know what to do but he knew that somehow, he had to make sure that he himself would not die...

This is the 6th episode of The Hidden Series. To see more episodes, please refer to The Guide To D&KB Writing's Hidden Series at

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