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Writer's pictureze yeeter

The Good Writer Talks About...Series 1 Episode 2

Updated: Jan 2, 2022

Episode 5 of The Hidden Series

Today, The Good Writer's interviewer has asked ze yeeter to join his Zoom call and talk about...Death.


What is death exactly, what defines death? What do you think?

ze yeeter:

Wait, haven't you already discussed this with The Good Writer?


Everyone has different opinions.

ze yeeter:

Alright, fine. Death is a time when our bodies become too broken to be fixed, just like any machine, and they stop working.


Interesting. But what if we don't want to die and want eternal life?

ze yeeter:

Even if eternal life was possible, I would strongly recommend you not to choose it. At first, it may sound exciting, as you have all the time you want. However, as time passes, you have to watch your friends, spouses, children, grandchildren and everyone else you know all die. Watching 1 person die already fills one with much sorrow, now imagine that played on repeat many times for hundreds of years. You would become depressed and not want to speak to anyone, fearing that if you communicate with them, you would have to face the sadness of losing them. Apart from this, you would soon run out of things to do. If you tried to get a job again, it would be hard as companies either prefer younger people or have machines doing jobs for them.


That was...well-thought. On to the next question: What do you think you'll feel or experience before, when and after you die?

ze yeeter:

In my opinion, death is truly a mysterious thing. We know what happens to the bodies of dead people, but what about their souls? Do they separate from their bodies and float off to another place? But if people need their brain to think, and it dies, does our soul, our consciousness, our entire identity and character, just disappear...? I do not want to imagine this fate. However, my religion tells me that when we die, we will go to Heaven, hell or purgatory. Based on this and my imagination, I think that our souls will...

first, leave the observable universe as some form of sub-matter;

second, leave the archive of the multiverse where universes are "marbles" and a "marble" is being manufactured every time an animal (including aliens) makes a decision;

third, enter an "office" where we will get registered and assigned to the three locations based on the things we have done on Earth.

For those who enter Heaven, they can communicate with not just other people, but aliens too. Everyone should be able to observe what happens back on their home worlds.

For safety purposes, beings from different universes would have to be separated.


What a lengthy insight! Now, what do you think is a symbol for life or death?

ze yeeter:

Hmmm, I don't think there is anything that can fully represent the immense complexity of life and death.


Just 1 more question, where do you live?

ze yeeter:

[undisclosed]. But why do you want to know...?


Thank you so much ze yeeter for accepting the interview, until the next episode of The Good Writer talks about...!!!

ze yeeter:

That reminds me, I haven't seen The Good Writer since he wrote about his last interview. Do you know what happened to him?


You shall never find out... And if you really want to know, you‘ll find out very soon as you have been selected…muahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

ze yeeter:

What do you mea-

(Zoom call suddenly ends)









Meanwhile in an unknown place, a soul, aged 13 Earth years before his passing, stares through the impossibly large window that was not made of glass but an unknown, unbreakable material. On the other side of the window was a view of a completely black room, the only things visible in it being an antiquated desktop computer, and, for the duration of the interview, illuminated only by the computer's screen, a figure wearing a completely black hoodie. The second the figure clicked on the red button at the corner of the screen, he ripped out the cord with such force it was a wonder that it was not broken. The screen went dark and the figure disappeared into the darkness of his room. The last the soul saw of the figure was a short while later when a door in the corner of the room was opened, illuminating him for a few brief seconds. As the soul watched the door slam, he muttered to himself:

The Good Writer: Edward, I will not let you harm my good friend! I will stop you even if I have to break out of Heaven to do it...

The End... Or is it?

This is the 5th episode of The Hidden Series. To see more episodes, please refer to The Guide To D&KB Writing's Hidden Series at

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