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Writer's pictureThe Good Writer

Bed Wars 2.0 Release: (2022) - PROLOGUE

Updated: Aug 26, 2022

Author's Note: Time flashes by quick and my previous Bedwars series was written until around Book 3 and was left to rot and I guess I kind of realised how unrealistic it was so I revamped it so that it would be more authentic for y'all, let's get into the story, hope all of you will enjoy the story.

All characters, dead or alive, are fully fictional.


Prologue: Sliced on Sky Rise (Day 0 of 60)

Torrential rain was the most annoying, especially when Kai Bo was going home by MRT then bus, the bus station would likely be flooded to the level of his school socks and the thunderstorm really did not feel like stopping. However, he was lucky today, the drains were doing their job well at preventing him from getting wet. He sprinted back home as he wanted to grind the new game he was looking forward to play: Bed Wars. He had seen many YouTube videos and was sure that he learned his attacking strategies and techniques to win the game.

He was finally home and after a quick shower and some biscuits as a snack, he settled down and turned on his personal computer. As he loaded the game, he went to grab another bag of chips and also his water bottle. Kai Bo was going to play with his best friend, Kilian, who was relatively good at the game too and had been playing the game for considerably long. He was definitely hoping that his best friend could give him a few tips on playing the game as a rookie.

KB Sry m8, me internet connection real bad, is still loading Kil Issok Kil Take ur time KB Tks

"Ughhh! Why is the internet so bad these days, I should really consider getting 5G soon."

As the game finished loading, the screen became a blank, blue screen, Kai Bo impatiently pounded his keyboard and just as he was about to head out to troubleshoot the router, he blacked out...

"Ouch, my back hurts!" Kai Bo was conscious again. "Kilian? Why are you here? Wait isn't this the Skyrise Map in Bed Wars?" Kilian was looking around, evidently as confused as Kai Bo was. "Idk." He mumbled in utter disbelief. 14 other players were scattered around the enormous platform that looked like a construction site, with massive cranes and staircases. Kai Bo continued observing the area before exclaiming "An emerald generator! Isn't it?" Kilian noticed the structure too, a Minecraft-like Emerald Block floating on top of a small platform that was made with an emerald block and stone borders. "Wow... looks like VR..." Kilian finally uttered a full sentence.


A man with a tie appeared above Kai Bo and Kilian, he seemed to be levitating, he was literally in the air. "Greetings humans, welcome to the virtual reality version of Bed Wars. All 16 of you here have been specially chosen from your respective countries to have this experience. I believe most of you already know how to play the game.” He did not seem human, nor was he an alien. “But there’s a catch, after 60 days of Battles, only the overall top 3 teams will be able to go back home, the rest…will have to stay for Season 2 and this cycle will continue. As this is Season 1 of Bed Wars Version 2.0, all of you will be able to choose your colours, which will remain the same until the end of the 60 days.”

“What happens to us in real life then?” A random player shouted out. “No worries, 1 day here is equivalent to 1 min in the outside world, so finishing 60 days of battles here would only be 1 hour in the real world, all the additional rules would be on the board in the middle of the map, do read it. The first game will be starting in 5 hours.

He did not seem human, nor was he an alien...


The man was gone. I pulled Kilian towards the middle where everyone was crowding at.

Additional Rules:

  1. Three games will be played per day and overall leaderboard will be determined by the number of wins, kills and quests completed

  2. All may use the Practice Arena until mandatory rest time at 10pm (See 3.)

  3. All participants would have a watch permanently stuck to their hand, Schedule will be updated everyday on this board

  4. Schedule for Day 0: Tutorial @ 12pm BT, Practice Game 1 @ 3pm BT, Practice Game 2 @ 8pm BT

  5. If you suspect any suspicious, unfair play or any bugs during gameplay, please report with the form placed on the table beside the board. The admins will look through the reports and update all of you daily.

  6. There is a Practice Arena for all the maps. Maps will be randomly chosen for games

  7. You are allowed to form an alliance of maximum 4 people with other teams but they should be registered by Day 2, if only the 2 teams in the same alliance are left in the game, both teams will get the win, however, kills will still be counted as per team and the two teams in an alliance should not kill each other

  8. Coloured keys are placed on the table beside this board, choose your base colour by taking the key for your team

  9. Any other rules that need to be added here can be suggested to the Admins

Have Fun!

Next Event:

Bed Wars 2.0 Tutorial - 12pm Bed Wars Time

“This is the most ridiculous situation I’ve ever been in, is this a dream?” Kilian questioned. “Apparently not, if it was, you would’ve woken up already.” “Cmon let’s go check out the maps, I heard Lightstone is pretty nice!” Kai Bo grabbed the Gray key and quickly walked through the door that had a sign on it — Lightstone Practice Arena. Kilian followed suit. It was absolutely beautiful, wooden roofs and trees in the middle of the map, the Sun was shining bright, which caused a shadow to be cast over. We were instantly teleported to the Gray base upon reaching the map. “Nice, I guess it’s time to acknowledge that we’re gonna be in here for some time eh, Kilian?” “Sigh, I guess…” “Cmon hype up lah, it’s a a unique experience. Should we go for the tutorial at 12 pm, it’s in 1 hour.” “Pfft… No need lah, I teach you can liao!” Both friends burst into laughter.

From bridging to clutching, Kai Bo and Kilian worked on it together so that they could improve as a team, and it was indeed effective as they worked on their tactics and also planned some of the strategies they intended to use. Maps like Playground and Babylon were maps that were excellent training grounds with Babylon a great ground to assess the duo’s speed bridging skills while Playground provided chances to bridge horizontally and easily rush an opponents’ base and learn to cope with slow generator speed in the map. After training for nearly 4 hours, and skipping the tutorial session, it was time for the duo to test out their skills.

Practice Game 1 starting in 5 minutes, please ready yourselves!

The long-awaited string of words appeared in front of Kai Bo and Kilian. “Don’t worry about anything yea, it’s just a practice game… no stress but try your best, ok?” “Ok lesgo, no stress, let’s do it!”

Game starts in 5




Kai Bo and Kilian hi-fived each other.



Teleporting All Players Now!

They looked at each other, they were both clad in sleek, grey coloured leather armour. “Aha! Sky Rise! I knew it!” Being a fast iron map, and a map that both Kilian and Kai Bo know extremely well, they immediately scrambled to action. Both bought 48 pieces of wool after collecting 24 iron each. Kilian threw 40 of his wool to Kai Bo as he put one layer of wool over the bed and went back to the generator. With 88 pieces of wool, Kai Bo speed-bridges towards the neighbouring base, which happened to be Pink Team, who headed for the Diamond generator, leaving their bed unprotected. Kai Bo jumped off the bridge and broke Pink’s bed instantly. “Kilian, head over to Diamond Gen that Pink bridged to, we get double kill, get their diamonds and you head back to base, Red’s in mid so I’ll try to get some of the emeralds too!” Kai Bo said as he zoomed towards the Pink team with his wooden sword. He knocked the first Pink player into the void before he engaged in battle with the other Pink guy, Kai Bo blocked off the link player with two wool and hit him with the sword, Kilian reached in time to defeat the pink player and got 4 diamonds. Kai Bo and Kilian decided to return to base first after yoinking Pink’s generator. “Uhh TNT, fireballs, hmm iron sword and of course wool!” Kai Bo set out again by bridging towards the diamond generator and towards the middle. “Kilian get Iron Forge first then take the diamonds from our side’s diamond gen, the get gold forge, get the Prot 1 for two diamonds and if there’s any extra buy a trap, then come with me.”Pink and Yellow were eliminated, Red broke Green’s bed, this was a crazy games.

“Ok there’s 2 emeralds in each of the generator, I got 6, Kilian you can go grab the last 2, wait does Red have invis? Crap, they’re bridging to our base.” Kai Bo ran back to the diamond generator on their side and shot a fireball towards the bridge, knocking the Red guy off. “Nice snipe my guy!” Kilian added. Kai Bo simply grinned. More teams had been eliminated by each other at this point, Red, Cyan and Grey were left. Kai Bo bought 2 ender pearls and sped towards the slightly destroyed Cyan Bridge, placed a TNT in front of himself and ran to the front as the TNT exploded, propelling him forward into Cyan's base. He put down another TNT on Cyan's 2-layered wood and endstone defense while he stole the team's resources from their generator. Both Cyan players had voided and had returned to their base, Kai Bo bought 100 more pieces of wool as he broke Cyan's bed. Cyan respawned in the nick of time but Kilian had come to assist and both got the final kills.

You will no longer respawn

"Ah crap!" It was clear that Red Team had broken our bed as they were the only team left on the map other than us. Kai Bo and Kilian both upgraded their armor and sharpened their swords. Kai Bo bought the usual, fireballs, TNT, a pop-up tower and of course more wool. Red's bed defense was extremely thick, at least from where Kai Bo could see. Kilian bought a diamond pickaxe just in case while Kai Bo bought a knockback stick too. The duo cautiously advanced to the middle and grabbed some of the emeralds left in the middle generators. "Tsk, nothing much we can do..." Kai Bo bit his lips, "I say we just head straight for Red, we have literally nothing to lose!" Kilian suggested. Kilian rushed towards Red base by using the bridge they built.

"Damn it, blast-proof glass," Kai Bo broke a piece of it and put down a piece of TNT. "Unless they void, they ain't making it." "Well... they voided..." "Bruh..." After collecting some more iron and gold, Kai Bo bought an iron sword and iron armor for the pair. Red was back after falling out of the world. "Kil, BED!" A 2v1 battle soon ensued between the to teams. The Red Team's sharpened wooden swords did a critical amount of damage but were obviously no match for a sharpened iron one, Kai Bo killed one of the red players but the other Red dude had time to buy a few fireballs, and pushed Kai Bo closer and closer to the edge, Kai Bo immediately put down a pop-up tower just as he knocked the remaining Red player back to his half-gone bed defense with the knockback stick, trapping Kilian and the latter inside. "C'mon Kilian... please don't let me down, it was around 10 seconds and the clattering of swords finally stopped.


"Let's gooo! Nice job killing that dude bro!" "Hehe, thanks, glad we got the dub!" It was a practice game but the first game win raised their confidence, it's definitely going to get progressively harder but of course, the power duo would try to make improvements to their strategy. Kilian and Kai Bo decided to practice on Glacier, a relatively old map, but it was still a great map to train agility and speed as they are usually many gaps and small holes which can be easily a threat if players were not situationally aware of the surroundings.

Soon, we were already in Practice Game 2, we were on Babylon, still a quick iron map. The usual routine applied, wool on the bed and bridge to the diamonds. “Forge and trap down!” I shouted as Kilian had just gotten enough gold to buy an iron sword. "We go to diamond gen first, Pink is bridging there as well! Don't fall ah..."


"Hmm 1st place overall for today, nice job there mate!" Kai Bo smiled "1st and 2nd for our first 2 games here, now time to chill." "Well I have a feeling we're gonna have some fun tomorrow." "Oh yeah? Why don't you fight me PvP, scared?


This post was sponsored by D&KB Writing and as we relive and honour the old bedwars series, let us take a look back at it too!



Preview for next Chapter:

Chapter 1: Pounced On in Playground

Kai Bo woke up with a start, stretched a little, and followed to wake Kilian up, they had planned to go for practice this morning and they were indeed still tired. As they passed the noticeboard together, they realised that some of the information had changed.

Daily Notices

  1. Three games will be played per day and overall leaderboard will be determined by the number of wins, kills and quests completed

  2. All May use the Practice Arena until mandatory rest time at 10pm (See 3.)

  3. All participants would have a watch permanently stuck to their hand, Schedule will be updated everyday on this board

  4. Schedule for Day 1: Bedwars 2.0 Game 1 @ 12pm BT, Bedwars 2.0 Game 2 @ 4pm BT, Bedwars 2.0 Game 3 @ 8pm BT

  5. If you suspect any suspicious, unfair play or any bugs during gameplay, please report with the form placed on the table beside the board. The admins will look through the reports and update all of you daily.

  6. There is a Practice Arena for all the maps. Maps will be randomly chosen for games

  7. You are allowed to form an alliance of maximum 4 people with other teams but they should be registered by Day 2, if only the 2 teams in the same alliance are left in the game, both teams will get the win, however, kills will still be counted as per team and the two teams in an alliance should not kill each other

  8. Any other rules that need to be added here can be suggested to the Admins

Have Fun!

Next Event:

Bedwars 2.0 Game 1 - 12pm Bed Wars Time

Another big board was added. "Woah..." The duo said in unison. The top of the board wrote 1 word: LEADERBOARD - Day 1.

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