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A God and A Phoenix: A tale of Two Friends [Rise of The Watchers Part 1]

“Caw caw!” The Phoenix in the air called out. The Phoenix did another somersault in the air yet again with his wings before he turned himself back into a human being, falling on the ground with a great thud.

PhoenixChess was finally here.

As he slowly worked towards his house, he noticed someone with a hood on trying to peep into his house. PhoenixChess whipped out his sword from teh scabbard on his waist and tiptoes towards the “uninvited stranger”. Just as PhoenixChess was about to fight the man, the man turned around with his sword in his hand as well and both swords clanged into each other. Both of them looked into each other’s eyes.



“KABOOM!” Clearly, there was a sudden explosion a few hundred metres away from the house.

“Get inside the house so we can talk!” GODELMO said worriedly

“Tea or coffee?” PhoenixChess asked while stirring my Nescafe coffee powder in boiling water. “J-Ju-Just wa-te-ter should be be fine…” GODELMO’s voice was trembling. PhoenixChess brought over the water and GODELMO quickly drank all of it.

A few seconds later, GODELMO started coughing and after a while, he was coughing blood. GODELMO was in disbelief and glared at PhoenixChess. “A little poison wouldn’t hurt right?” GODELMO passed out.

One eternity later…

GODELMO woke up with a start as if it was a brand new day. He racked his brain. “Soret for teh poison bro, I just needed to know some things. Your mind has also been cleared and I know everything.

“Hey Richard, did you manage to catch that god?” The burly figure questioned. “No sir, sorry no…” the servant answered. “Stupid” The burly man shouted to everyone as he stomped away.

“The Seventh Heaven has fallen to the Watchers and they seek destruction in this fragile world, if not stopped, the realms, heaven or the earth, will fall.” GODELMO looked distraught as PhoenixChess walked up and down, occasionally fidgeting with his dark brown coat. “Well, it’s simple then, just stop the Watchers before they destroy the world, we are strong enough to do so right?” PhoenixChess had never seen us friend that worried before in his life and while he did understand that his home had been destroyed, he doubted the strength of the Watchers.

GODELMO suddenly froze, he immediately recovered by turning on the old television in my home. “EMERGENCY BROADCAST” was the message seen at teh top of the TV. “A group of demons and possessed people called The Watchers have caused mass destruction in the city of London with at least more than 200 casualties in an hour, many monuments like the Big Ben and London Bridge have been severely damaged and are on the verge of collapsing. Please do not worry, the Police are investigating about the matter, including the identities and whereabouts of The Watchers but we advise everyone to stay at home or in their bomb shelters. Thank you…” Both friends stayed silent, clearly in deep thought, The Watchers were swift and decisive, they could fly to wherever they want to destroy. The only way was to get the gods from the other heavens to help them but they were sure fighting was currently occurring in the heavens too and in the worst case scenario, the good guys were losing badly.

“We simply cannot do anything…” GODELMO’s voice broke the awkward silence. “No, we’re not alone, follow me and let’s go find someone…” PhoenixChess replied. Soon, they were gone as the scene presented in front of them changed.

(dramatic music plays…)

The friends were now in front of an old wooden house that looked. “Why are we coming to such a dirty and abandoned place?” GODELMO asked as he stepped through the door of the house. PhoenixChess continued staying silence and opened the trapdoor beneath their feet and slowly climbed down. PhoenixChess whipped out his phone and checked his tracker that registered any movement by The Watchers, they we’re heading towards the south and heading for Southeast Asia! “Oh shucks!”

~To be continued…~

Please do look out for part 2 of this small series and be sure to subscribe to our website and like the post if you like it so see you guys next time!

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