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An Adventure Story

I am an experienced adventurer and explorer. I have been to many places around the world, including jungles and forests that no one else dared to go to. In short, I am a rather brave person. Of all the intrepid adventures I had ventured on, one particular expedition left an indelible mark in my mind.

A year ago, I bought a pirate's treasure map at an auction sale. The auctioneer told me that it was genuine, so I decided to set out on a treasure hunt. At first, I was a little doubtful when I saw the map as it did not look like the treasure maps I was familiar with. Instead of pictures, there was only a riddle which said, "To find my next clue, you have to cross the blue. Find Dragon Rock and pick the lock." The auctioneer then told me that the map had belonged to an Indonesian pirate who had lived a long time ago. That explained why the map was tattered and ancient. Determined to find the pirate's treasure, I set out on an adventure that would test my courage, as I soon found out.

I figured out that since the pirate was Indonesian, he had buried his treasure on an Indonesian island with a dragon-shaped rock. "Cross the blue" would mean crossing the sea, since airplanes had not been invented in his time. And finally, I had to pick a lock on an abandoned house or hut on the island.

However, before I could start my treasure-hunting expedition, I had to take a vaccination as there was a disease (not Covid-19) that was spreading widely in Indonesia. Even though I had done this several times before, the prospect of having one of those razor-sharp needles pierce me sent shivers through my spine. However, I mustered up my courage and went for the vaccination. When the thin needle pricked my skin, I winced a little but it was over as soon as it had started.

The flight from Singapore to Indonesia felt like an eternity, even though it was only two hours long. Perhaps it was my excitement that caused me to think that the flight took forever. After my plane landed, I went to the nearby harbor and hired a boat captain to take me around. As he was a friend of mine, things went smooth sailing. After several days of sailing around the various islands in the vicinity, I finally spotted it! A rock shaped like a dragon's head was protruding out of a cliff face on an island in front of me. The boat captain told me, "My people call this island cursed. Many people have gone to that island and never returned. Be careful!" His words sent more chills down my spine, but I told myself that I was courageous and went ahead with the expedition.

The captain dropped me off at a sandy beach that bordered a forest. Thick indeed was the forest, as I hacked my way through the multiple vines that were in my path. Mosquitoes were flying around everywhere, trying to get a taste of my blood. Thankfully, I had gotten that vaccination, so my body was more or less immune to the disease that was spread by mosquitoes. After an hour of trekking and numerous mosquito bites, I found myself standing in front of a run-down hut. On its door was a rusty, ancient-looking chain with an even more ancient lock on it. "This must be the place where the treasure is!" I thought excitedly. I tried to use my lock-picking kit to unlock the old wooden door, but the lock was far too old for my modern lock-picking tools to work on it. Eventually, frustration got the better of me and I kicked the door with all my might. To my surprise, the rusty chain snapped and the door opened with a creak.

I entered the run-down hut and found, to my disappointment, not the treasure but another piece of paper lying on a small wooden table, one of the only pieces of furniture in the cramped space. I realised that the paper was identical to the one with the first clue on it. Picking it up, I scanned it thoroughly. Sure enough, there was yet another riddle written on it that said, "Cross the bridge of rope, made for those who can cope. Between two marked trees my treasure you will find, but be wary or you will turn blind." The front and middle parts of the riddle were easy enough. I had to cross a rope bridge and the treasure was in between two marked trees. I rubbed my hands in glee as I realised how close I was to finding the treasure. However, the last part of the riddle made my blood run cold. Was there a trap? A wild animal? How would I become blind? I did not wish to find out. This would surely test the limits of my courage.

After a while more of trekking though the forest, I reached a riverbank full of mangrove trees. The only way across was a narrow rope bridge that looked like it was going to break any second. Furthermore, I swore that I saw the huge jaws of crocodiles swimming in the river, waiting for me to become their lunch. I shuddered with fear. However, my determination to find the treasure compelled me to muster up my courage and cross the bridge. Thankfully, despite the bridge creaking under my weight, it held and I did not fall into the river. I made it to the other side without a single scratch.

About half an hour later, I saw two trees marked with a slash from a knife. In between was a small clearing. "There it is! I found the treasure!" I thought in elation. Taking out a shovel from my backpack, I started digging in the small clearing. After digging for a few moments, my shovel hit something hard. It resounded with a clang. I put down my shovel and used my hands to dig gently around the place where I saw something brown. Soon, I had uncovered a small treasure chest! I whooped in elation.

The chest was heavy despite its small size and it took me a lot of effort to pull it out from the hole. Taking a small knife from my backpack, I used it to pry open the old lock on the chest, as I had learnt my lesson earlier. The lid of the chest successfully opened and I was instantly delighted to see numerous gold bars and jewels glinting in the sunlight. All that treasure had to be worth thousands of dollars! A wide smile spread across my face.

Suddenly, I spotted a pair of eyes staring at me in the bushes. My legs trembled in fear. I reminded myself that I needed to have courage and brandished my knife at whoever was in front of us. Right at that moment, a jaguar (the animal, not the car) emerged from the bushes and pounced at me. My mind was engulfed in panic as I realised that this was what the pirate had meant! Closing my eyes in fear, I made a blind stab at the jaguar. When I opened my eyes, I found it lying on its side behind me, blood oozing from a wound in its chest. I realised that I was the one who had killed it and was relieved that I was alive. "It was either it or me," I thought.

Placing the treasure from the chest into my backpack, I started on the long journey home. When I returned to Singapore, I gave the treasure to the National Museum, which told me that it was worth thirty thousand dollars. They gave me ten thousand dollars as a reward for finding the treasure. I was extremely delighted and used some of the money that I had received to buy myself a new smartphone.

Memories of my adventure would be etched in my mind forever. I was more courageous than I could ever imagine and faced my fears in times of crisis. I was very proud of myself.

Written by Darius Chua

Dragon Rock Island and the hut were illustrated by Darius Chua.

No real animals were harmed in the writing of this story.

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1 Comment

The Good Writer
The Good Writer
Dec 09, 2020

Wow, just wow, the climax was quite exciting when the jaguar wanted to eat the author. Well done, Darius!

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