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Chocolate Chip Cookies And A Special Ingredient.

"Ok, so I've got my dough ready. Now where's my chocolate chips..." I ask myself, drumming my fingers on the table top. When I finally recall, I hurry to the cabinet and extract a large packet of it out. Snipping it open with my scissors, I pour it into a bowl before mixing it into my cookie dough.

Soon, the cookies are ready. Hands protected by baking gloves, I carefully take my tray of freshly baked cookies out of the oven and place it on the table. "This has to work, my baking contest is coming in a week," I mumble in frustration, taking off my gloves and hanging them on a "S" hook. Picking up a cookie with uncertainty, I take a bite. Then I drop it. Urgh, why can't I just do it right! It's just a little cookie. How am I supposed to win with this kind of standard?! I frown, pushing my cookies to the side. I guess it's time to redo it all over again.

Just then, my mother walks into the kitchen, clad in her yellow-striped T-shirt and shorts. "Sorry for interrupting, but those smell really good," Ma says with a grin, pointing at my failed cookies.

'Seriously Ma, these suck. They don't even taste like an award-winning cookie," I complain, feeling dejected. She replies by back and replies on her signature chirpy voice," Why don't we do it together this time? Would you mind?" I shake my head and hand her an extra apron from one of the cabinets, which she then ties around her waist. Handing over my recipe, I silently hope that Ma will tell me what to improve on. However, she just pins it into the fridge with a round little magnet and says," Let's begin!"

I smile and before I realise, I'm having a whale of a time. There's clouds of flour everywhere, and I even catch Ma eating the cookie dough when I wasn't looking! We spend the next hour or so laughing our heads off and having fun, not even for a second did our smile fade.

"Ding!" The oven calls out. "Ma, the cookies are ready!!!" I exclaim while packing the leftover chocolate chips into a plastic container. After keeping them away, I walk towards Ma, who's putting on her gloves. "Let's do a taste test," Ma suggests while taking out the tray, instantly filling the room with an inviting aroma. Nodding my head, I reach my hand out to grab a cookie, eager to have a bite. Sinking my teeth into the soft dough, my eyes widens. I'm pleasantly surprised by how good this thing is, and subsequently gobble the whole thing down in a split second.

Setting the tray on that table, Ma asks," Satisfied this time sweetie?" Reaching out for another one, I reply," Yea, did you add anything to my recipe?" Busy munching, Ma cocks her head towards the fridge before leaving to wash her hands.

Intrigued, I stride towards the fridge, where my recipe is attached to. Taking one good look, I notice the difference right away. Written in bold at the bottom of the paper is the word


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4 comentarios

ze yeeter
ze yeeter
06 ene 2021


You have not just completed the challenge

You have won it

50XP to you

You can upgrade to Business Class

Me gusta

06 ene 2021

Aww thanks guys, I'm flattered

Me gusta

The Good Writer
The Good Writer
06 ene 2021

Rating: 9.9/10

Comments: I really had no choice, why you ask? I honestly feel bad for trying to find a specific error in the story but I can hardly find one, so you know what, I'm changing the score from 9.8 to 9.9. This is quite interesting and I have to mention that, whenever you are competing in a competition, the most important thing is the process, the enjoyment in it, not really about winning. Congratulations Denise, you have completed the challenge. 20+8XP to you.

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ze yeeter
ze yeeter
06 ene 2021

I like it

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