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Writer's pictureThe Good Writer

Creative Stories Super friends. Book 1 (2.0 Rewritten) : The Fallen Warrior

"Kai Bo! Are you ready yet? Remember to bring your small box, open it when you are in crisis!" My mother shouted from the kitchen while helping me fill up my water bottle. I wished I could stay at home. In addition, why would my mother ask me to attend such boring and tiring classes. I muttered a reluctant "Yes." Little did I know that this was just the beginning. So, something happened before all these. Since my mother is a scientist and she invented a time machine, travelled to year 12,019, long story short. Plus the time machine broke. I was on a new Earth, Earth BA-153, with my parents. I was still forced to attend tuition on this planet. The education there was very high-tech and definitely stricter, in terms of being in Year 12,019. I was taught by a teacher with magical power whom goes by the name of Mr. Ian Zackchiefer Phillips Don Abasek. Our students call him only Mr. Ian. He used his magical powers to teach us mathematics but I hated him as he was so strict with us to the extent of increasing the school fees (which was already very expensive already, about SGD $2200 per month) by many times. When I entered the classroom, we could see his usual messed up gray hair and he would always wear an oversized cloak, which was coated with dust and food stains all over. One look at him would make you feel disgusted. The following day I went to school as usual and greeted my friends, Darius, Timothy and Aviel. We walked up to class together and soon, we settled down. When school was over, I sprinted back home and asked my mother a whether I could go to the park for a walk. She brought me to the park and asked me to jump a few times. This was when I felt that my two feet were not even touching the ground." I am flying! " I exclaimed," I am flying! " I was literally flying, impossible. The next day, when class was ongoing, the classroom, which was perfectly OK, suddenly had a mind of its own. The lights burst into flames and the doors were slammed shut. I tried to open it but to no avail, it was locked. "Damn!" I cursed under my breath. "Bang!" A loud bang was heard when we were trying to escape the classroom. Clearly, panic ensued in the prevailing silence. The room, was so quiet that if a needle dropped on the floor, everyone could hear it. The ominous ticking of the clock only worsened the uneasy atmosphere surrounding the classroom. A minute later, the fire somehow disappeared, the lights turned on like magic and the doors slid open with a slight creaking sound. When I looked at the ground in front of me, I retreated a few steps, jaw dropping. "Get the ambulance, NOW!" I shouted to specifically nobody. Time was ticking, anytime now? I thought. Timothy was surrounded by a pool of red, crimson blood. The ambulance was unusually slow. Soon, sirens were wailing as the high-tech medical vehicle skidded to a halt. In a flash it had already sped towards the hospital. Heading back to class, I noticed that something was indeed wrong. The attendance clearly showed that my friend, Joy, has not been in school for about one month already, STRANGE. She always shows up for class but now was different. Did she get sick? I asked myself. I decided to ignore it as it was year 10,020. No one could get sick just by sitting on a chair and studying. Two days later... " Joy! You're back! I was worried sick about you!" Joy pushed me away and I hit a pillar, falling on the hard concrete floor (Ouch) She walked away without making a sound. Joy was not behaving normally but I thought that she was still sick so I decided to let her calm down before talking to her. During recess, as I was on my way to my canteen, I turned my head towards the foyer. Guess what I saw, Denise was dead. Another gunshot was fired, and when I realised it was heading for me, I dodged it as the bullet zoomed past me, missing me by only a hair's breadth. I got a glimpse of the shooter, it was Joy, her eyes glowed brightly with an eerie colour of lime green. It was like I could see the insanity in her eyes, one that was very familiar to me, somehow. I immediately took out my I.E.D (Instant Electrifying Device) and threw it towards her. She got shocked for a while before collapsing on the ground. "Imrae Me Incarce!" Ropes instantly formed around Joy, locking her in place. What kind of madness is this, I thought. Something was wrong, really really W.R.O.N.G. I had to solve this mystery. Courage and determination overwhelmed me. It was time...... After awhile, it was time for my English tuition. I had a very intelligent friend, Annette, she could think of things we cannot. I asked her how to snap a person back to reality. SNAP! I did not know where I was. SNAP! "OH! I'm back b...b...bu...bu...but...but how?" "The power of the snap is infinite. It can do ANYTHING!" " THANK YOU, Annette!" I shouted as I shot out of the tuition center. When I got home, I tried the snaps on my mother and it worked!( hope has arisen...) When I went to school, Joy was still unconscious. I snapped twice and Joy woke up in a state of shock.( without attacking me ) Joy was dumbfounded and started pouring tears when she heard that she had killed Denise. I had no choice. Approaching her house, I rang her doorbell." Kai Bo?" I explained to her what had happened. Si Min had healing powers, thus, I asked her to help me. Both of us rushed to school immediately without hesitating. Si Min was absolutely startled( in a sense )She tried to heal Denise. Unfortunately, her power was not enough and she fainted. I had no choice, we could not save Denise. I was very sure that someone was mind manipulating Joy, controlling her mind, so as to frame her as a murderer instead of the usual student. That's it, I thought. After sending Si Min to the hospital, I knew what I had to do. POOSH.I threw down a smoke bomb and jumped off from the hospital window. Once I find who was behind all this, that person is really doomed. I flew towards Timothy's house, knowing that he had been discharged from the hospital. I asked him whether he had the bullet taken away with him and he said yes(Obviously).He agreed to let me take back the specimen for further examinations to be made. I flew back to the lab. I tried to find the fingerprints on the bullet but to no avail. Checking the identity of this cold killer who almost took the life of my beloved friend was hard. Looking at the bullet, I immediately knew that it was from a 8mm caliber bullet, which resembled the bullet which Denise was shot with. This means that the same gun was used and that was when Joy was absent, the police would definitely suspect her as the killer, who wanted to kill Joy and Timothy. After some time, I was about to get a cup of Milo when my walkie-talkie buzzed." Officer Kai Bo There is armed robbery in a DBS bank at Causeway Point." "Right away commissioner" I replied, rushing off to the scene. I threw an I.E.D and the robber fell to the ground. Before he was handcuffed away, he snarled at me "You will never make it!" I picked up his gun and took out the magazine. I poured the bullets in the magazine out, 8mm caliber bullets. At first, I did not know what he meant, but when I got back to the lab, realisation daunted me. My lab was in ruins and it meant that I could not find out who was the killer. I thought it did not matter since I was not rushing to solve the case. I suddenly thought about Denise and flew home." Mom, is there a way we can reverse time so that I can Denise." I thought my mother was not going to agree but she said yes and said that she could teach me if I wanted. For Denise, I had to learn it, I thought it could be useful in the future. Do not worry Denise, I will save you. Time was extremely powerful. It could take over the world if you did not use it properly. It was hard to learn time power. If only I had he time stone, *sigh*. I knew that I had to save Denise. Thus, I trained harder and harder and harder and harder and harder. 6 hours later... I had finally grasped on to the power of time. Time was complicated. " Oh no! Denise is going to be declared dead today! I've got to hurry, bye mom!" I said as I slammed the door. I flew to the funeral and said to Denise's parents' that I could save her but they did not believe me. After persuading them, they had no choice and agreed. If I messed one part up, this whole place could become a disaster. First, I started by freezing time. Everyone stopped moving. Now I only have to reverse time for Denise. I started doing it, I went into her mind trying to wake her up and erase her last memory of getting stabbed. I quickly jumped out of her mind and moved the things related to the funeral away and all was left was her parents. I went further away and "SNAP" Time went back to normal again and Denise was alive "Yes! Mission success!" I said to myself. When Denise asked what happened, Her parents did not say anything. I was excited to meet my friends back at school again. When I reached school, I looked towards the sky. There was a space ship. "Oh no!" I murmured to myself. "BOOM" I got knock down by the enormous explosion. Debris everywhere, a shadow emerged from the dense fog. I looked up, trying to catch a glimpse of my enemy. I looked at the burly figure advance towards me, his eyes glowed an eerie lime green color and I stared directly into his eyes. Pure and utter insanity, it was the answer to all my questions. How could I not have noticed? "Mr. Ian! How could you, you were behind all this?" Without saying a word, he kicked me and sent me flying towards a pillar. I got up and immediately threw my I.E.D at him and punched him a few times but it had no effect on him. He hit me hard on the stomach and made me fall. I was going to die, I thought. I looked into my pocket, the small box! I opened it. "Yes! Mr. Ian's only weakness!" I exclaimed in delight. Inside was a dagger, I slowly took it out. Just as Mr. Ian was about to finish me off, I stabbed him in his chest. He yelped in pain, retreating a little. I stood up, jumped and in a brief moment I did a perfect somersault in the air, kicking Mr. Ian in his face. I noticed my friends, all beside me. I spurred on, finally, I knocked Mr. Ian unconscious. The battle had ended, cheering erupted from teachers, staff and students. I grinned as I clutched my stomach in pain. It was excruciating, I stumbled and tottered towards my friends, just as I was about to say something, I collapsed in front of them. I was alive. I was alive. Darkness surrounded me I felt lost. Death, had come for a visit, I was only on a hospital bed. I looked at Death, tool his hand and walked away with him. "Beep...Beep...Beep...BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP" The heart monitor screeched. My life had ended, I am dead forever, never alive. I looked at Death, gave him a nod and walked into ensuing endless darkness, alone Super friends series 2 is about to be released. Wait for it. By: Yeoh Kai Bo

22 views2 comments


Dec 08, 2020

K so, the plot is good. However, I think that you could slow down the story and not die after getting punched in the stomach. But overall it's great! Thanks for saving me bro.


ze yeeter
ze yeeter
Dec 08, 2020

you should not have died be resurrected like Jesus

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