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Writer's pictureThe Good Writer

Creative Writing Tips Part 3: The Show-Not-Tell "Regime"

Hi guys, I'm back to give more tips on creative writing. Sorry for not posting for a while though. So, when you write a story, you have to make it lively and interesting so the readers will continue reading the story. If you story is boring and dull, well...

*Noises of Kai Bo smashing the composition into the Rubbish Bin and slamming the table in frustration.

Well, that really didn't go so well. Now that's an example of the Show-Not-Tell Technique. That sentence shows what I am feeling at that point in time. Can you guess what I am feeling. I am angry, obviously, but why?

Hint 1. Smashing the composition into the rubbish bin.

Unless you are a naturally strong man, you will not smash compositions in a rubbish bin if you aren't angry.

Hint 2. Slamming the table in frustration.

This makes it clear that Kai Bo is frustrated as he slams the table hard to show it.

Just 1 sentence can show the character's feelings, amazing, right! Now, the difference between "Showing" and "Telling".

Tell: I was sad because I failed my test.

Show: Upon noticing the marks on the top right hand corner of the test paper, tears streamed down my cheeks uncontrollably, I sniffled. I had failed. I used my test paper to hide my tears as my unsteady voice blurted out " go to...toilet..." The teacher replied my nodding her head. I rushed out of the classroom, tears already flooding out from my eyes when I tried to cover my eyes with my right hand.

Do you see the difference? It seems more detailed but don't use Show-Not-Tell all the time or your story will be too long winded. Just try not to use the basic words, like happy, sad, angry, scared. Now, from now, I will be giving a little homework, if you don't mind, do it to improve your composition.


Homework for 15/12: Write a Show Phrase with my tell phrase below.

Tell: I was scared of the bully who was standing in front of me.

Show: (Your Homework)

Submit your homework to

Thank you for reading.

Best regards,

The Good Writers...

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Writing tips 3 (Homework) ;-;

(I was forced to do this but eh, whatever. ) Kai Bo : (looks at the comment...) What the...Vampoody!!! Tell: I was scared of the bully...


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