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Creative Writing Tips Part 5: Important Intros

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

Introductions are the most crucial part of any kind of story, narrative or composition since it forms that kind of first impression in the reader of the story. Now think of it like that, you are participating in a speech contest. Your first impression, which is the part where you introduce yourself. There's only two ways it will end out:

  1. The Good Impression: You speak out your name and school confidently, standing upright, taking a deep breath before starting the speech.

  2. The Bad Impression: You stutter your name out nervously, and you can't seem to calm down and you break into tears

So, it really it is the first impression that works. For a story, you would want an introduction that would pique the reader's interest, making the reader wanting to continue reading. Therefore, I introduce to you......

(drumroll please............)


Foreshadowing is a pretty good method to pique your readers interest. Usually when you leave a clue for the reader to guess what will happen next, may make them read on to discover whether their predictions are correct or is there a plot twist. Sometimes you can use words like little did he know what was coming but that is kind of outdated.

Now, I want you to compare these 2 foreshadows.

  1. Jack did not know that he was in big trouble.

  2. Jack tip-toed to the classroom secretively, but he failed to notice a shadow following him from behind.

When you look at introduction 2, the reader can guess, according to the context. It could be a prefect, a teacher or maybe even just his best friend. So, my work will be for you to guess who this guy following Jack is after reading the below story that I have written. Write in the comments!!!

Jack's "Evil" Plan

"Mr. Lim, Jack is reading a comic book under the table!" Nosy girl, Jane, who was sitting beside Jack shouted out. Jack was outraged, why does Jane always have to report about me? He thought. After Mr. Lim confiscated Jack's comic book, he continued with his math lesson. Soon, it was time for recess and the students were all ushered down to canteen. Despite the fact that recess was Jack's favourite time of his school day, there was not a sight of him in the canteen. Jack slipped out of the canteen. As he tip-toed towards the classroom, secretively. However, he failed to hear light footsteps following him from behind. " What are you doing here?" The person questioned Jack in a friendly tone. Jack turned around, noticing who it was before heaving a sigh of relief.

Guess who this person is, in the comments section.

It's the end of this lesson, bye.

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1 Comment

ze yeeter
ze yeeter
Dec 31, 2020

It must be a friend. Jack was relieved to see him/her, so it was someone that he trusted not to get him into trouble and not a teacher, principal or prefect. Maybe he/she had come to look for him as he/she could not find him in the canteen. Also, Jack was probably going to pull a prank on Jane or do something nasty to her belongings, as revenge for her reporting to the teacher about the comic book.

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