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D&KB Writing Original: Diary 2022 Week 1 (10-16 Jan) UPDATES DAILY; Day 4 NOW OUT

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

Hi what's up D&KB Family, so I, Da Good Writer, has two announcements to make...

  1. I have changed my name to "Da Good Writer", instead of The Good Writer so yes say hi :D!

  2. I am starting a new D&KB Writing Original, where I will be writing my daily life experiences (I hope I update daily) as you can see from the title...Yes so let's get into it! Let's go!

Additional Note: ze yeeter has taken on the role of editing this post, and while he is doing so, he may leave some random comments. Comments will be marked as EC (Editor's Comment).




Diary Entry 1: First/Fifth Day of School (Recorded on 10 January 2022 22:41:20 SGT)

Picture taken from Bus 198 on the way to Jurong Point. If you look carefully you can see a private plane flying over...

Weather: Night, Broken Clouds

Music I'm Vibing to while Writing: Lose Yourself by Eminem

Dear D&KB Writing,

I have not written to you before but now, let's make this a first, trying new things! Well today, school has just started and today was the literal first day. Today was a very laid-back day, many changes had occurred since the old times. (not so old actually, just referring to last year.) Uh, no if you were thinking about the increase in Omicron cases, no we don't ever talk about that here so much, thank you.

We've had some interesting changes in school this year.

First change, canteen seating. Last year, when I was in Class 1G, we had a whole designated area for our class and the tables were labelled with the index numbers to mark where we had to sit on the canteen tables and benches. In addition, acrylic panels were added to the table to separate all of us. However, this year, it seems like we are starting to learn how we should be living with the COVID-19 virus. No fixed seating, no acrylic panels although we are restricted to three people per table but I felt that indeed it was an enormous change. (EC: Wow my school still makes us buy food from the school canteen and go to class to eat, even after half a year...)

Second change, class and level. This is actually the most obvious change, I am now in Secondary 2, which means we are kind of seniors in the school to our fellow Secondary 1 juniors and obviously our class has been moved to a bigger one compared to last year, which was definitely a change for the better. Luckily, we got to keep our form teacher.

Last change I want to talk about, appearances. I would not point my fingers at people but indeed, much has changed over the two months during the holidays, especially to our appearances like hairstyle, type of spectacles, tidiness and way more. I believe positive change and a new year means new everything. New goals, new class, new personality, new appearance, anything you could possibly think of! How wonderful...

Today was a boring day, but I guess there was a lot of administrative matters to discuss about like locker key collection and personal information confirmation. Our new principal (yes we got a new principal, Mdm. Choy) addressed us, (she very modern I can see) our year master in 2022 and also 2021, Mr. Liu addressed us and our Dean, Mrs. Yeow too did address the whole Year 2 cohort.

Now, on the topic of my CCA, River Valley Dance Society has been a place to grow and despite the strict teachers and the demanding standards, it has been a very nice time to bond with our now Year 3 seniors through recording the Chinese New Year Dance, which I am very sure people will look forward to. Wow, even the fact that we will be getting ready to welcome, our nice Year 1 juniors! (I hope it doesn't go too bad)

Since our juniors are coming in quite soon, the teachers have given us a huge responsibility to plan dance orientation for 2022. It seems like we were left to die like a ship with no captain and a whole batch desperate for guidance. However, we are making significant progress and I really hope that people could work together more, that would be most ideal, teamwork is really important and trust me, I have opened one eye and closed one eye on the conduct of some people during google meet, I trust that the main comm people (da main comm people are actually the nicest people I've ever seen which I think is great so I hope people can appreciate the fact that we are trying to make a lot of arrangements and do a lot of work too, we don't just sit back and relax) including me, actually trust our batchmates a lot right now and they have done quite some work for them already, to be role models and to indirectly, hope to inspire our batchmates and let them understand how important this dance orientation is and how we could do it better than our current Y3 seniors!

I hope that tomorrow would be more interesting with some briefings but it's ok. I know that the 2G 2022 General Election will happen on 12 January 2022 (Wednesday), there will be after-election coverage by your friendly host, Da Good Writer. (Ahaha) I have decided not to run for class chairperson this year due to personal reasons and I will try to get the role of History Representative again this year and as we look forward to observing the drama in the 2G 2022 General Election, we will be friendly to welcoming the new Class Chairpersons and Well-Being Representatives! That's it today, D&KB Writing, see you tomorrow!

Best regards,

Da Good Writer


Diary Entry 2: (Last Updated on 12 January 2022 19:43:48)

Weather: Night, Broken Clouds

Music I'm Vibing to while Writing: Last One Standing by Skylar Grey, Polo G, Mozzy, Eminem

Dear D&KB Writing,

Well, yet another day has passed and wow indeed today, was surely eventful indeed! From a boring lesson, a somewhat interesting RVX lesson, a ridiculously weird Kahoot quiz to a big fat screw-up in CCA, here is the D&KB Writing Original, the Diary of Da Good Writer 2022.

Why Me??? (RVX)

The RVX project was initiated by the school in 2021 and has been continuously going on as a non-academic project that ensures we can learn something new. (EC: My school calls it SIL (Student-Initiated Learning). ) For RVX last year, I decided to embark on a chess project on learning a chess opening called The Sicilian Defense and today was RVX sharing day which means our form teacher, Mr. Koh will choose people to present and I was the second person to present, in front of the whole class! I mean that I was definitely quite nervous when presenting but I think it went quite well so I guess there was not anything much to worry about.

Huh?! What happened?!?!

Apparently there was a Kahoot quiz at the end of the day that was apparently supposed to be done yesterday but we did not have any time left yesterday, which was indeed sad but today we finally got to do it and trust me it was the funniest quiz I have ever seen in my life, and wow the questions were crazy. The most disappointing answers for questions being people not remembering Mr. Koh's full name, (EC: lol what) which was yes of course disappointing. Most of the questions were confusing and ridiculous and I was sure that they were just supposed to throw us off track, but it was still very funny to laugh at, especially when people got the questions wrong. In the end, after that dreadful 15-question quiz, I still got into the top 10 in the end, getting 8th place out of the 32 people in class, which came quite surprisingly but was definitely because of people getting many questions wrong.

Costly Screw-Up

If you want me to say how CCA has changed my life, my honest answer would be that it has taught me how to swear. CCA has always been one of the problems in my mind, we were re-recording parts of our CNY performance, that would be in fact, shown to the whole school. The truth is, there were multiple retakes and I can literally tell you in your face that it really has not been exactly the most smooth sailing journey.

Well, since Tuesday was the last day of filming for Chinese New Year Celebration Performance, many things were rushed and the vibe for me was like "Too Nervous until I forgot da moves" which yes indeed got me scolded, quite badly but it's fine cause people make mistakes and it's kind of our duty to change and make it correct, I hope other people didn't get their feelings hurt, cause we just have to not take it too personally, and that would be nice, wonderful if you take it as a motivation.

It was in fact a very long day and, I cannot agree more that rest is needed. Rest well people, see you next time.

Best regards,

Da Good Writer


Nice music by RV: aRchiVe by RVHS (I'm inside btw)

Diary Entry 3: (Recorded on 12 January 2022 22:52:52)

Weather: Night, Broken Clouds Music I'm Vibing to while Writing: 热爱105℃ 的你 by 阿肆 (EC: the origin of the Super Idol meme)

Dear D&KB Writing:

It is the third day since we started school, and today happens to be the last day of our "Year 2 Orientation". This means that from tomorrow onwards, classes will resume as per normal, which is indeed a little sad but well, we had a fun time today. Cup-passing exercise, an unbiased seating arrangement, and ending off this diary entry, the 2G Class Committee GE2022, so what are we waiting for, let us recall the wonderful events that have happened today!

I am not speed...

There was a cup-passing exercise today and we were given a video to watch and learn (click on the word "video" if you are interested in learning, should be for non-RVians only) This was a part of Habit 6 of "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Synergize.

synergize syn·er·gize /ˈsinərˌjīz/ verb

  • combine or coordinate the activity of (two or more agents) to produce a joint effect greater than the sum of their separate effects

It technically means just working together in a smart way. Anyways back to the cup-passing, we followed the beat of this video, which means that how fast these people do is how fast we are supposed to do. So we initially started out to do it individually, then in groups of 4-5, then groups of 10-11 and finally, we assembled all the tables in the class to form a circle shape to do the cup-passing and surprisingly we were able to do it at playback speed of 1, which I thought was actually quite amazing, given the circumstances that yes, there were some parts where things messed up and I had two cups, which I don't know why that happened, but overall, our class learnt how to synergize!


One of the things we did today was changing our seating arrangement as we sat in the arrangement that was exactly the same as that of last year's for the past 2 days and today we could finally change our seats. Our very kind form teacher, Mr. Koh, allowed us to choose our seats, which was amazing so I just headed to the side of the classroom to sit with my friends, of course it was awesome but he did say that if he hears complaints from our subject teachers, there will be mild changes made.

Are you Kidding me??? (2G Class Comm GE2022 and Reason for not Running for Class Chairperson)

This year, participation rate has dropped a little in terms of the number of candidates for class chairperson but there was a 330+% increase in the number of candidates for our class's well-being representative, thus voting was greatly affected.

Well, I have simply forgotten the votes but that is absolutely fine. The Class chairpersons were partially changed, with Clarence retaining his position in the main class committee and Rose stepping up to the new role, I think both were quite capable of working with (not for) the class. For the well-being representatives, Ziyun and Jie Rui stepped down from their roles while Zhuo En would continue her term for the second year to continue ensuring the well-being of the class. Kilian and Wenjun will replace the duo forming the whole main class committee of 5 people. That is for the main committee and this year, I managed to secure my continued role of History Representative and yes I am very satisfied with that.

There is not an actual reason why I did not run for class chairperson but since some of you persist in wanting to know, I guess I'm fine to say anyways. As a class, seeing last year's voting results, when Clarence had been voted in favour to become class chairperson for the boys, I was thinking about looking at the class's performance under someone else's leadership first and if it was not managed so well, I could run for class chairperson again during Secondary 2 as I would definitely have excellent chances to win. However, seeing that the class has been managed well enough by the class chairpersons, I think that honestly, we could give Clarence chances to grow and sparkle in the sense that it develops better leadership, I mean everyone does have imperfections, right. I am only speaking from the boys side and I thought that I would sometimes be strict and since I'm so (kind of) naggy, I felt that we could give others a chance to develop more. Since Secondary 2 will be a more stressful year, I would not really want to stress myself too much and I will observe the class committee and give feedback when necessary (likely not) but as long as I contribute to this class, I am totally happy with my normal role of History Representative.

I hope everyone is really doing fine and to be honest, there really is not anything for me to conclude but I would just say even if you are not selected to be in the class's main committee, you should still make your own contribution to the class however you can. Now that's it for Day 3!

Best regards,

Da Good Writer


Diary Entry 4: (Recorded on 13 January 2022 23:01:17)

Weather: Night, Clear

Music I'm Vibing to while Writing: God Tier Freestyles: Harry Mack Omegle Bars 53

Dear D&KB Writing:

Well, it's been 4 days already, wonderful is it not? Today, lessons have just started after three days of our form teachers trying to ease us back into school. Although they really wasn't many interesting things that happened, we still have to write some stuff right? Today, we went from a not-so-usual PE lesson to a usual routine main subjects lessons and a fairly interesting music lesson. Let's get to it!

PE Lesson was not routine...hmm

PE lesson was considered ok and while we ran only two rounds around the track, which is about 800m, most of the classmates were already tired as heck, which was not so unexpected as stamina does indeed take a lot of time to train. After running, we played tag, which was technically something very uncommon in secondary school but it was still fun but sadly, it was short-lasted happiness, 1 hour of PE passes so fast, but, ...but I loved it. Thank you Mr. Koh!

Normal (Ehhh-) Stuff

Classes like Chinese, English Language Arts and Math was quite casual and it was like normal lessons going on, if not just holiday sharing and expectations for this year, which was boring but I guess we will officially start the full timetable next week, I will tell you more about things then.


Well well well, we all know how music went last year, interestingly funny but also super tragic. (especially for some group's assessment) So today was the first music lesson of 2022 for our class 2G, which I guess it went well. Usually, the music teacher is particular about the performance of the class chairpersons but today went better with some jokes about the Music Teacher's favourite student for the wrong reason. (we all laughed)

Tomorrow is going to be RV66, it means that it's our school's 66th anniversary and I really hope I have interesting stuff I can share with y'all, see you tomorrow people!!!


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The Good Writer
The Good Writer
Jan 13, 2022

Day 3 (12 Jan 2022) and Day 4's (13 Jan 2022) Diary Entries are finally out, tmr is going to be RV66 and there should be a lot of things to write about!!!


The Good Writer
The Good Writer
Jan 13, 2022

Anyways people, we are running a bit behind schedule but Day 3 (12 January 2022) will definitely be coming out tonight! Please do look forward to it!

The Good Writer
The Good Writer
Jan 13, 2022
Replying to

I will try to finish Day 4 today too!


ze yeeter
ze yeeter
Jan 12, 2022

I think I broke the post

The Good Writer
The Good Writer
Jan 13, 2022
Replying to

Check and solve, no worries

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