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Writer's pictureThe Good Writer

Life of D&KB Writing Part 1 (2020) : 写作扎根

"D&KB Logistics, D&KB Enterprises, D&KB everything!" Ze Yeeter said. I laughed along. Ze Yeeter was quite a fantastic illustrator. He loved drawing tall buildings, planes, islands and many more. As our English teacher returned us our latest marked composition, she complemented me for having one of the most interesting story plots, I was proud, as I had just assumed the nickname of "The Good Writer" a few days ago. PSLE was closing in and our English teacher immediately got to work. Ze Yeeter and I both exchanged our compositions to read each other's stories immediately.

When I returned his paper back to him, I noticed that he was sketching something on the top of my paper. Since I wrote about my grandmother giving me a yellow jacket, and I threw it away then she died, he drew a jacket and a heart monitor on my paper. Thoroughly impressed, I was proud that I had a friend like him. Vampoody, who was just sitting beside me turned her head and inched closer to both of us, trying to find out what we were talking about. I showed her the drawings and she smiled "It's very nice!" We laughed.

Primary 6 life was quite a struggle for some people, but not much for me, Vampoody and Ze Yeeter. Both were my best friends during that period of time since we sat so close to one another in class. In the following compositions, Ze Yeeter also "borrowed" them and carefully but skillfully sketched out many drawings on the paper, which I really liked. An artistic touch was all it needed to make this writing more lively.

One day, the three of us were talking together. I started "Hey Ze Yeeter, you know that like Vampoody is like an excellent writer and I have a huge passion in writing and you are so talented in drawing, if one day we become authors, will you like help us illustrate our stories or something." Ze Yeeter stared at me for a while, then at Vampoody. He replied "Depends if I really still pursue art but I would be delighted to!" "Well, you guys need to get used to my murder story, oh and I think I am thinking about another murder story to write" Vampoody exclaimed, causing all three of us to laugh.

We discussed story ideas together a lot during school and we were all very hyped about the fact that we kind of shared a passion in writing. We were like an inseparable trio (like the Golden Trio at that time). I told Ze Yeeter that maybe we could publish my writings somewhere. Originally, in Primary 5, I had already written a lot of stories like Superfriends 1, Superfriends 2 and Bedwars: The Unofficial Series and I was desperate to look for somewhere to post these stories on.

Before PSLE, PSLE then post-PSLE, we still wrote our stories since we were bored after revising countless times. Ze Yeeter, Vampoody and I talked a lot after PSLE and we talked about starting some group chat on Google Hangouts to share with some of our classmates our writings. We did not really do that but we actually still did form a Hangouts group with our group of close friends and that was the start of D&KB.


Dear Readers,

So this is us tracing our own origins, some parts may not be very accurate as we may have forgotten some of the stuff and of course not the whole thing may be true but I can tell you that this will be a very interesting series as we take a few steps back to see where we actually came from.

Just for you guys to note also, we will be using codenames in the story as we do wish to stay as anonymous as possible.

Thank you for all your support so far!!!

Best regards,

The Good Writer

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