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Writer's pictureThe Good Writer

Love Never to Forget (Valentine’s 2022 Special)

Updated: Feb 27, 2022

Episode 7 of The Hidden Series

Disclaimer: The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.


It has been around 1 year since the Good Writer's future self died in the Parade Square of Riverside Primary School, leaving behind the Magic Pen, an orb and a very important letter. After following the letter's instructions, he managed to restore peace in the world. Even though Edward from the other universe is trapped in a cave at the bottom of the Straits of Malacca, this universe's Edward is still roaming about, searching persistently for The Good Writer...

The Good Writer jumped onto the Big Ben in London, he looked down towards the buildings that were clustered together, lights turned on and brightening the dark night. He looked up towards the cloudless and magnificent night sky. It was going to be Valentine’s Day soon and he was going to return to Singapore for some time on that day.

He sighed.

The Good Writer had been undercover for months and despite fighting Edward the Eraser, he still wanted to hang out with someone on Valentine’s, someone special. The winds were howling and The Good Writer’s typical black cloak fluttered along. The Good Writer whipped out his magical pen and wrote in the air the word “LOVE” and drew a heart around it. The words just disappeared as The Good Writer jumped off the Big Ben and headed for his house.

The next day, The Good Writer woke up with a start, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He grabbed his cloak, his magical pen and a few vials of the golden jewels that fuelled the pen’s powers on his way out to get breakfast. He glanced at all the other people in London with envy. All of them were in pairs. “Well, it’s Valentine’s Day anyways…” The Good Writer murmured to himself.

Suddenly, he felt someone tap him on his shoulder. He turned and shouted “GODELMO!” “Eyy, what’s up man!”

The Good Writer: So how’s life

GODELMO: Fine, how bout you?

The Good Writer: Well not so good, like I don’t even have a date on Valentine’s Day, Emotional Damage… I guess it’s fine cause no one cares anyways!

GODELMO: Uhh actually I think it’d be better for you to get one, fast! Don’t you remember we have prom in school today?


GODELMO: Yea? I mean it’s a Monday right, we can teleport to school later but since the prom is like after school at night, so you still have some time.

The Good Writer: Haiyaa can I not go?

GODELMO: I’d prefer you go cause I’m going to go man…

The Good Writer: Oh you’ve got to be freaking kidding me? You got a date huh, damn!

GODELMO: No I mean seriously, there are quite some girls in our class so it’s not too late

The Good Writer did not want to go, but he didn’t want to leave his best friend on his own either. Well, it seems like he had to find someone to go to prom with.

“See you later GODELMO!” The Good Writer said as he sped up and jumped into the air. He needed to find people fast but as he teleported to school, he thought of who he could ask. The Good Writer bit his pen as he pondered in his mind, who should he ask? He hardly knew much about most of them. Well, he had his best friends but they should have found their match already. He turned his head to look around the whole classroom and was interrupted by a booming voice. “The Good Writer, since you were looking around the class furtively, why don’t you answer this question?” He stood up, answered the question diligently and sat down despite getting the death stare from his math teacher.

The Good Writer paced up and down the corridors of the school compound after class. “Oh yarh, Zi Ting shouldn’t have gotten a date yet.” Zi Ting was a quiet girl and never answered questions in class unless asked to. She was quite nice too during a couple of their encounters. Wherever she was, she would definitely be helping anyone in need.

Now the problem came, The Good Writer was contemplating on how he should ask her out. He had no experience of doing something like that after all. He walked up towards Zi Ting, trying to make sure he was just naturally walking towards her. The Good Writer mustered his courage and spoke up, whispering into her ear to ensure no one would be eavesdropping. “Hey uhh Zi Ting, do you want to ya know go to err prom? Like like with me?”

The Good Writer’s negative thoughts were overwhelming him “Ahh that was so awkward!” “What if she doesn’t want to?” “Or worse what if she already has a date” “That was so bad, what should I do if she rejects me?”

She seemed to think for a moment, then she replied in her usual polite voice but in an unsteady tone “Yea- I mean sure? Uhh I-, Ok!” Her voice was shaking and The Good Writer could hear that she was anxious. Finally, the silent scream in his throat stopped and he muttered “Then we meet at the yea, the the-” but before he finished the sentence, she quickly cut in “the hall yes…” before grabbing her books from her locker and sprinting away. The Good Writer heaved an enormous sigh of relief.

The Good Writer was beyond elated, he had a date and although it was not the most ideal choice, at least he had someone to go to prom with other than himself.


It was nearly 6.30pm already and the prom starts at 7pm. GODELMO entered The Good Writer’s changing room. The Good Writer was ready, he tied his bowtie, adjusted it and glanced at GODELMO, who was in a smartly ironed tuxedo, a white blazer and a red necktie with a black coloured long pants. The Good Writer looked at himself in the mirror, “Wow!” was all he said.

“Yo dude, why are you still wearing your black cloak, it’s very thick you know, it’s not like we are going to be in a 10 degrees celsius room…” GODELMO asked. “My sixth sense is tingling but I don’t know, I feel like someone is going to attack me tonight. I’m bringing my magical pen along as well, JUST IN CASE!” The Good Writer replied in a serious tone. “Then I guess I should bring my magic Nemesis Blade as well then…” GODELMO and The Good Writer walked out of the changing room quickly as they headed towards the hall for prom.

It was raining cats and dogs outside, which was contributing to the damp weather. As The Good Writer tried to avoid the weird glances cast by the other students for his unique choice of clothing for prom, GODELMO whispered into his ears “Relax, nothing is going to go wrong ok, just don’t get too tense.” The Good Writer nodded his head in acknowledgement but still, he tried to stay vigilant. GODELMO met up with Rebecca while The Good Writer met up with Zi Ting. Zi Ting was in a pink embroidered dress and was wearing small butterfly-like earrings and a stylish red-white sports shoe. She explained that she heavily disliked high heels due to an incident where she sprained her ankle when wearing them, which was definitely fine as The Good Writer understood.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the highly anticipated Valentine’s Day School Prom, let us officially begin with the principal’s address.” After a long-winded address by the school principal that mentioned the meaning of having fun and Valentine’s being a meaningful day of our lives, everyone could finally enjoy themselves. Dancing and singing was the first activity. For the first time in his life, The Good Writer held hands with a girl in his class and while his hands were indeed cold and clammy, both The Good Writer and Zi Ting had a wonderful dance to many genres of music, like Pop, Acoustic, Jazz and even Hip-hop. There was even a buffet for supper with a large variety of items, ice cream, cakes, cupcakes, jelly, pudding, fruits and juice were only made up half of all the things served. The activities that were planned were actually fun. The last few activities including arts and crafts, a small rock concert and last but not least, the Rose giving activity. The Good Writer was handed a rose and the instructions for this activity was to surprise one’s Valentine’s date and present them the rose in any creative way one could think of.

(Writer’s Note: The next part may be a little bit cringe and some romantic stuff, but still kept to our limit of PG 13, if you want you may look away and stop reading this post.)

The Good Writer hid the rose behind his back and slowly approached Zi Ting, who was still enjoying her fruit juice and talking to Rebecca. He asked her to give them some private time before telling Zi Ting, offering her the rose "Well I must say that today has been an eventful day and it probably is the best day of my life and really thank you so much for just being with me on Valentine’s Day, I hope you didn’t regret being my date..." There was silence and it was an awkward moment as Zi Ting stared into my eyes. She jumped on The Good Writer and hugged him tightly as she pinned him to the ground "Trust me, it's definitely been better than all the days in my life!" "Same!" He added. "Ahahahahahahahaha..." Both of us laughed.

Just as their lips were were about to touch each other’, The Good Writer suddenly felt pain in his stomach "Ouch, what the?" His sixth sense was telling him something. "Out of the way, from the middle fan, NOW!" He shouted and he pulled Zi Ting away. A part of the enormous ceiling was torn open, causing the gigantic fan that was hanging on the ceiling to crash onto the ground, just a hair breadth away from hurting The Good Writer and Zi Ting.

The Good Writer whipped out his magical pen while GODELMO rushed towards his best friend with his Nemesis Blade already. "Sigh, we have to deal with a party pooper now I guess?" GODELMO joked. "Uhh I guess?" Edward the Eraser flew towards the duo with his eraser. "You know, this is why I hate him so much!" The Good Writer complained. "Well, you should consider yourself lucky that he didn't come for you during the Lunar New Year period..." GODELMO rebutted. "Oh come on, you know what this guy really needs a beating up." The Good Writer glanced at the chair, the table, and lastly at Edward, who was flying towards him. GODELMO signalled for The Good Writer to go for it as he covered his back. The Good Writer nodded and he jumped onto the chair, then the table and pointed the tip of his pen at Edward the Eraser…

~To Be Continued~

Hi guys, once again a reminder that all this is fictional and largely based on imagination but I hope you will still enjoy this short little love story. Happy Valentine’s Day 2022!

Remember, you may be worth more than a Queen.

-The Good Writer

This is the 7th episode of The Hidden Series. To see more episodes, please refer to The Guide To D&KB Writing's Hidden Series at


Credits to:

D&KB Writing ™️ 2022

Love Never to Forget (Valentine’s 2022 Special) ©

Da Good Writer (Team Master Writers)


Fictional (All based on imagination)

Photo Credits:

D&KB Writing


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D&KB Writing ™️ (since 2021)

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