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OH YES YES YES YES NO YES! : 58th Tournament (Under 1000) Round 1 Tournament Recap

Updated: Nov 17, 2021

2021 is the year when the annual Daily Tournaments of different ratings are played and this year, I played and am still currently playing in the 58th Tournament (Under 1000).

I was told that when the registration for this had ended, there were a total of 8053 participants in this whole event. In Round 1 everyone was sorted into groups of 5-7 and had to play against everyone in the group at least once and the person who wins the most games would advance to round 2 and the rest...ELIMINATED. Everyone would be given 3 days to make 1 move before the opponent is given the opportunity to move and if you do not respond in 3 days, you lose.

So I was sorted into Group 828 and my groupmates were as follows:

3. kalikota(800)

4. ajb500(800) 5. JadinWesel(400)

(Disclaimer: Ratings are the ratings recorded during time of registration and changes may have already occurred after the tournament.)

Game 1:

ajb500(800) v.s. Hufflepuff_Head_Prefect(694) -ME

Results: 0-1

Hufflepuff_Head_Prefect(694) [Black] won on time

My opponent here lost on time as he/she did not respond within 3 days.

Game 2:

Results: 0-1

Hufflepuff_Head_Prefect(694) [Black] won on time

My opponent here lost on time as he/she did not respond within 3 days.

Game 3:

Results: 0-1

Hufflepuff_Head_Prefect(694) [Black] won on time

My opponent here lost on time as he/she did not respond within 3 days.


Results: 1-0

Hufflepuff_Head_Prefect(700) [White] won by Checkmate

1. e4 e5

(e4 is a book move that is a nice opening move. Opponent responded with e5, a good opening decision. It's important to understand openings deeply.

This is the King's Pawn Opening opening. I have played this opening 120 times, with a 59% win rate.)

2. Ke2 Nf6

(In this game, I played The Bongcloud with the shocking move Ke2?!, which was not an amazing opening and was deemed an inaccuracy by the computer, which suggested Nf3 with the idea to attack the e5 pawn. My opponent responded with Nf6, which was the best move, attacking my e4 pawn)

3. f3 d5

(f3?! was deemed an inaccuracy as it kind of obstructed my knight on the f-file to move to a good position in the future but who cares, the computer doesn't know how to play The Bongcloud. Nc3 was the best move, so the e4 pawn could be protected without obstructing Nf3 in the future. My opponent replies with d5, which is a sound move that strikes in the center)

4. d3 dxe4

(d3 was an excellent move but the computer thinks that Nc3 is the best move, I totally disagree with the computer as 4. Nc3 would have caused 4. ... d4 5. Nb5 a6 6. Na3, my knight would be in a terrible position. Thus, I thought d3 would have been better. My opponent, who played dxe4?!, did not realise that the move was an inaccuracy as I could take back the pawn and also take up center space...)

5. dxe4 Bd6

(dxe4 was considered the best move, protecting the d5 square and my opponent responded with Bd6 which was an excellent move)

6. Nc3 Nc6

(Both Nc3, followed by Nc6 were excellent moves)

7. f4 Nd4+

(7. f4?? was a complete blunder due to the savage line 7...Bg4+ 8.Nf3 exf4 9.h3 Bh5, which wins 1 pawn and puts me into a disadvantageous position. Nd4+ was a mistake of course as they missed the idea in the position where I could regain some footing by moving my king back to the e1 square)

8. Kd2 exf4

(Kd2?! was deemed an inaccuracy due to the fact that it blocks my bishop and at the same time, blunders my f4 pawn immediately exf4?! was also inaccuracy as it could have taken advantage of me with the move Bg4 to first force me to move my queen then take the pawn)

9. Nf3 Nxf3+

(Both a solid and strong moves although they are only good moves)

10. Qxf3 Bg4

(Qxf3?! is an inaccuracy but I do not think so as you have to try not to use the pawn to take, which may create an isolated h-pawn. My opponent had the idea there and played the best move to attack my queen)

11. Qf2 Bb4+

(Qf2? was only considered a mistake but I thought it was a blunder, Nxe4 just wins the game by forking the king and the queen and I probably would have just resigned. Bb4+ was a excellent move by black to check me and luckily, I did not lose my queen.)

12. Bd3 Qe7

(I played the best move, Bd3, and Qe7?? was a blunder for the opponent as the move Nxe4 still exists and I cannot take the knight with any of my pieces since I was pinned and my opponent could've won my queen yet again.)

13. h3 Bh5

(h3?? was a blunder due to the same idea of the Nxe4, forking my king and queen. Bh5 was a mistake since Nxe4? as still the better idea.)

14. g4 Bg6

(Another blunder for g4?? due to the ever existing fork and Qxf4 was best. Bg6? was a mistake as you would know why)

15. Kd1 Bc5

(Kd1 was a solid move and I escaped the fork. My opponent responded with Bc5??, a blunder of the f4 pawn yet again)

16. Qxf4 h5

(Thus, Qxf4!, it was a GREAT move. h5??, another blunder which finally gives white a significant advantage as g5 would have soon won a knight for white.)

17. g5 Nd7

(Of course, I play that move. Opponent moves Nd7?!, which happens to be an inaccuracy due to 18. Nd5 Qe5 19.Nxc7+ Ke7 20. Nxa8)

18. Nd5 Qd8

(I do play Nd5, while opponent responds with Qd8, only a good move that gives white more advantage)

19. Bc4 Nb6

(Bc4?? was a major blunder which may have caused some of my attacking and stronger pieces to attack and give black quite some advantage. However, my opponent plays Nb6?, a mistake, that will cause a big tradeoff of pieces that is advantageous for white)

20. Qe5+ Kf8

(Thus, Qe5+ is yet again a GREAT move. Kf8 is excellent too.)

21. Bf4 Nxd5

(Bf4?? is a blunder that falls prey to Bd6 and I might have lost a bishop. Nxd5 is a mistake as then, Bd6 would be too late despite black still holding onto his advantage.)

22. exd5 Bd6

(exd5 was the best move for me. A mistake for the move Bd6, look above to see why.)

23. Qe3 Qd7

(Qe3?! was an inaccuracy as black can take time to get a safer king while white's king is still quite exposed. Qd7?!, an inaccuracy as black missed the idea.)

24. Bxd6+ Qxd6

(A solid move as Bxd6+ was also the best move. Obviously taking back is the best move too.)

25. Rf1 Qh2

(Rf1 is a strong, good move. Qh2 was a mistake as the black queen could be kicked out and a trade of queens may occur in the future. )

26. Rf2 Qg1+

(Rf2 was the best move. Although black could win a rook, black will lose a queen as it can be trapped.)

27. Kd2 Qxa1

(Best move for me while great move for my opponent as it was the only best move.)

28. Qa3+ Kg8

(Qa3+ was a great move, checking black's king and Rf1 would trap the queen soon. Kg8 was the best move.)

29. Rf1 Kh7

(Rf1 is the best move to trap the queen. However, instead of taking the rook, my opponent played Kh7??, a clear 100% blunder of a queen)

30. Rxa1 a6

(Rxa1 was the obvious best move and a6 was an excellent move but I already had the advantage.)

31. Qc5 Rac8

(Qc5 is best and Rac8 was only good for my opponent.)

32. Re1 b6

(Two best moves since b6, kicks out my queen)

33. Qc6 f5

(Another best move for me and f5?! is an inaccuracy as I can win a lot of material.)

34. gxf6 gxf6

(gxf6 is a best move for me, but an inaccuracy for my opponent as there will be forced checkmate in 5)

35. Re7+ Kh6

(Best move for me as I inch closer and closer to checkmating my opponent)

36. Qe6 Rhf8

(A best move that is strong for me. Rhf8 blunders checkmate in 1 move but the rest of the moves would just prolong checkmate.)

37. Qe3#


Comments about the game: I mean I felt that my opponent had the potential to beat me but I blundered my queen many times so he could've gotten the opportunity so clearly after losing his queen, my opponent could not play on for long.

Game 5:

Results: 0-1

kalikota(937) [Black] won by Time

1. d4 d5

2. c4 Bf5

3. Nc3 dxc4

(I am now threatening to win material. This is the Queen's Gambit Declined opening. I have played this opening 33 times, with a 55% win rate. dxc4 is an inaccuracy as e4 on the next move will give me a good amount of advantage as black will have to react by retreating his bishop.)

4. e4 Bxe4

(Obviously the best move and black instantly loses material with Bxe4 so that Nxe4 is possible.)

5. Nxe4 Nf6

(Of course Nxe4 is the best move and Nf6 is excellent by black.)

6. Nxf6+ exf6

(An excellent move for me for trading off equal material, a knight for a knight and exf6 is the best move for black.)

7. Bxc4 Nc6

(An excellent move that even wins a free pawn. Nc6 is a good move, threatening to take the d4 pawn.)

8. Qe2+ Qe7

(Two best moves that will likely force a trade of queens.)

9. Nf3 Qxe2+

(Nf3 is an excellent defensive move and black takes white's queen, which is the best move.)

10. Kxe2 O-O-O

(I trade off equal material as I am forced to take on e2 with my king while my opponent long castles, which is an excellent move which threatens to take on my d4 pawn again.)

11. Bxf7 Nxd4+

(Bxf7 is the best move although it allows Nxd4+ as it trades off equal material and thus Nxd4+ is an excellent move.)

12. Kf1 Nc2

(Kf1 is a costly blunder as a rook would be lost in the end. Nc2, a great move by my opponent for spotting it.)

13. Rb1 Rd1+

(Fully unaware of Rb1 as a mistake, I played it, which immediately wins more material, a full rook after Rd1+)

14. Ke2 Rxh1

(The best move for me as my desperation increases. My opponent plays the best move to take my rook.)

15. Be6+ Kd8

(Be6+ is a fine move. Kd8?! was an inaccuracy as I would gain a little more advantage.)

16. Ng5 fxg5

(A mistake for me and an inaccuracy for black as I would win a free rook soon)

17. Bxg5+ Be7

(An inaccuracy by black to blunder his rook due to the discovered check that wins me a full rook.)

18. Rxh1 Nd4+

(I take the rook but my opponent still spots Nd4+ that forks my king and one of my bishops.)

19. Kd3 Nxe6

(I desperately try to chase after the knight but Nxe6 was played, which was the only great move and also attacked my other bishop.)

20. Be3 Nc5+

(An excellent move by me and a good move by black to check me again.)

21. Kc4 b6

(I try to chase the knight, which is the best move but b6 defends the knight from being taken, which is an excellent move.)

22. Rd1+ Ke8

(A check by my rook and Ke8 is a good move but it is not very good actually.)

23. g3 Kf7

(Two excellent moves made by both players who are competing for an advantage.)

24. Bxc5 bxc5

(Although I am worse at the start of the endgame, I still have some edge over my opponent by trading and my opponent takes back.)

25. b3 Rd8

(b3 is an excellent move which is fine. Rd8 was threatening to take my rook and also looking to trade rooks with me. I traded rooks so that my king could take the pawn on c5 since the bishop could no longer guard it.)

26. Rxd8 Bxd8

(A trade and recapture move, which are obvious moves.)

27. Kxc5 g5

(I win a free pawn as my opponent tries to push pawns in a likely winning endgame for him.)

28. Kb5 h5

(A fine move from me trying to run towards the pawns and another good pawn push by black.)

29. Ka6 Kf6

(The best move as I try to win the a7 pawn. Kf6 is a mistake as the black king should be moving towards the pawns that are about to promote for me.)

30. Kxa7 Kf5

(I won a free piece but black moves Kf5, in which the evaluation says both sides have equal advantage. Since I ran out of time as I could not respond in time when I was busy, I lost the game.)

Comments about the game: I felt like I should have won this game and it was not really fair that I had lost on time, I was very tight on time those few days and very sadly did not get to respond to my opponent's moves and unfortunately lost the game. I definitely hope to do better next time.

Game 6: (Nicknamed "A Win with the Botez Gambit")

Results: ?

Hufflepuff_Head_Prefect(779) [Black] won by Checkmate

1. d4 d5

2. Nc3 Nc6

(This is the Van Geet Opening. I have played this opening 143 times, with a 55% win rate)

3. Bf4 e6

(Just 2 excellent developing moves...)

4. Nf3 Nf6

(Nf3 is the best developing move to bring the knight out while Nf6 is only excellent while the best move for black is Bd6 to guard c5 and e5.)

5. e3 Bb4

(Another best move for white and an excellent move for me. However, it was suggested that I play a6 first instead, to prevent 6. Bb5, which pins my knight to my king.)

6. Qd2 Ne4

(Qd2 is a clearly inaccurate move was it wastes white's move since Ne4 threatens the queen and white has to move again. Thus, Ne4 is the best move for me.)

7. Qd1 Nxc3

(Qd1 is another costly mistake due to 7...Nxc3 8.bxc3 Bxc3+ 9.Nd2 Bxa1 10.Qxa1 and I just win one of white's rook. Thus Nxc3 is again a best move for me...)

8. Qd3 Ne4+

(Qd3 is an inaccuracy as Ne4+ would be a knight on a good outpost square and it is also a check and blocking with a pawn also softens up the position a little.)

9. c3 Bd6

(Two best moves by both players.)

10. Bxd6 Qxd6

(Two more excellent moves in a series of moves that initiated a fair trade.)

11. b4 a6

(Two excellent moves again.)

12. Qc2 a5

(Qc2 is an excellent move while a5 is only good as O-O, technically castling, would be better to ensure better king safety.)

13. b5 Na7

(A best move by white and excellent move by black for a knight maneuver.)

14. Bd3 c6

(2 excellent moves)

15. bxc6 Nxc6

(2 excellent moves, O-O, castling continues to be the best move)

16. O-O Nf6

(An excellent move for my opponent while a best move for me.)

17. Bb5 Bd7

(Another 2 excellent moves)

18. a4 O-O

(a4 is excellent while O-O is the best move as king safety should be prioritised)

19. c4 dxc4

(c4 is just a good move as it gives black a little edge while dxc4 is an excellent move again.)

20. Bxc4 Rfc8

(2 best moves)

21. Ng5 Ng4

(An inaccuracy followed by a missed win as Qxh7 would pose an extremely dangerous threat to black's king.)

22. Qxh7+ Kf8

(And boom, I was sent running with Qxh7 which was a great move that was spotted by my opponent and thus Kf8 was forced.)

23. Qh8+ Ke7

(An obvious mistake, allowing black's rook to attack white's queen and Ke7 is yet again a forced move.)

24. Qh4 e5

(Qh4 was an excellent move for white and e5??, it was a total blunder that immediately gave white a big advantage.)

25. Ne4+ f6

(The "Botez Gambit" and I accidentally hung my queen while f6 was an inaccuracy.)

26. Nxd6 Kxd6

(Good move for white and best move for me as I should always take back.)

27. dxe5+ Ncxe5

(2 excellent moves.)

28. Rfd1+ Ke7

(A best move for white while I make a fine move with my king.)

29. Qh5 Rxc4

(Qh5 is a mistake as it misses a very good but hard to find move, Qh7 as Qxg7+ is not easy to prevent and I found Rxc4, which is the best move.)

30. Qh7 Kf7

(Both moves are inaccuracies. For white, f4 would have been better, to kick out my knight. For black, Bxa4 is best as it wins a pawn and allows a trade of pieces too.)

31. h3 Nh6

(Another inaccuracy for white as f4 still exists and Nh6 is the best move for me.)

32. Qb1 Rb4

(Qb1 is a great move as it is the only good move and Rb4 is the best move since the b7 pawn cannot be taken anymore.)

33. Qa2+ Be6

(Qa2+ connects rooks and check my king but it is only a good move and Be6 is the best move as I am threatening to take the queen and am gaining some chance of counter play.)

34. Qc2 Ng8

(Qc2 is an inaccuracy as Qe2 is safer for the queen and Qh5 can be threatened. Ng8 for me is also an inaccuracy as Rc8 clearly threatens to win the white queen, taking advantage of white's inaccuracy.)

35. Qc7+ Ne7

(After Qc7, this game is nearly equal and of course Ne7 to block the check is a great move...)

36. Rdb1 Nc6

(Two good moves)

37. Rxb4 axb4

(Just 2 best moves that trades off equal material)

38. Qxb7 Rb8

(A good move despite the pawn being a free piece for the queen to take as it could be threatened once again. Rb8 threatens the black queen)

39. Qa6 b3

(Qa6 is best to move away from danger was b3 actually is now a good passed pawn that has potential for promotion.)

40. Qd3 b2

(Qd3?? is a total blunder that immediately throws away white's little advantage due to the savage line 40...b2 41. Re1 Ba2 42. Kh2 b1=Q 43. Rxb1 Bxb1, thus, b2 is a great move that threatens promotion.)

41. Rb1 Ba2

(Rb1, although a good move to block and prevent promotion temporarily, and let me emphasise the word "TEMPORARILY". Ba2 was the best move to threaten to take the rook.)

42. Rd1 Rd8

(Rd1 is a mistake as this pawn on the b-file is just too dangerous and white should have taken the pawn and Rd8 is instantly a good move the skewers the queen and rook.)

43. Qc2 Rxd1+

(This, despite pinning my pawn to my bishop and protecting the rook, is a useless move after Rxd1+, the only best move in which this game is now in the endgame and I am winning it.)

44. Qxd1 b1=Q

(2 best moves and b1=Q is the best move as the queen is pinned to the king and white is forced to take my promoted queen.)

45. Qxb1 Bxb1

(Queen trade as said before.)

46. f3 Kg6

47. e4 Kh5

48. g3 Nd4

49. f4 Bxe4

50. a5 Bb7

(Moves 46-50 were quite fine and most were excellent moves)

51. Kf2 Nb3

(Kf2, however, is an inaccuracy as it does not give black any advantage anymore.)

52. h4 Kg4

53. Ke3 Nf5+

54. Kf2 Nxa5

55. Kg1 Nxg3

56. Kf2 Kxf4

57. h5 Nxh5

58. Ke2 g5

59. Kd3 g4

(From here onwards, checkmate is finally impossible to prevent.)

60. Ke2 g3

61. Kf1 g2+

62. Kg1 Nc4

63. Kf2 Ng3

64. Kg1 Ne2+

65. Kf2 b1=Q+

66. Kxe2 Qe3+

67. Kf1 Nd2#

(GG bro see you soon :D)


Comments about the game: Ok yo dude I mean with the Botez Gambit, I totally did not expect to win man. I mean good game, I really think he did well I was lucky, I guess see you next time.

Final Results:

1. Hufflepuff_Head_Prefect(695) -9 ADVANCE TO ROUND 2

2. sergioluispaulo(921) -7 ELIMINATED

3. kalikota(800) -6 ELIMINATED

4. ajb500(800) -3 ELIMINATED 5. JadinWesel(400) -3 ELIMINATED

6. advancethinker2021(400) -2 ELIMINATED

(Disclaimer: Ratings are the ratings recorded during time of registration and changes may have already occurred after the tournament.)

[Edit: There are two games you will play against each person, kalikota lost 1 game due to time as he did not respond to my move in time, the rest of the games I did not feature as they lost to me on time either before or after the first move.]

So from the original 8000 participants in this tournament, there will only be 1000+ participants left by round 2 so good luck to me and look forward to the next recap!


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