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Writer's pictureThe Good Writer

(Part 1) What Makes Singapore- Singapore’s Cultural Diversity

Updated: Aug 6, 2021

As Ming walked into school, he noticed his friend, Ali, helping Mrs Tan hang the Hari Raya decorations. “Wow, they look amazing, can I help you too?” Ming asked his best friend politely. Ali nodded his head. Hari Raya Puasa was coming, and the month of Ramadan had already arrived. Ming eagerly ran in front, grabbed a few decorations and got to work immediately.

After finishing the decorations, they enjoyed the fruits of their labour. Ming’s stomach then started rumbling and grumbling with dissatisfaction. Ming took Ali’s hand and pulled him to the canteen for recess. “Ali, what do you want to eat today, there’s a lot of choices, there’s fishball noodles, your favourite roti prata and and…” “ Sorry Ming, no can do for me. I can’t eat.” Ming immediately stopped his mouth from spilling out any more words. Ming looked at Ali with confusion and wondered if Ali had gone crazy, eating was their hobby.

“For the whole month of Ramadan, I am not allowed to eat or drink anything, even water. We fast and will not eat until dusk arrives. Then, we would be able to break our fast, we will feast on whatever food we have during that time.” Ali explained to Ming patiently. Ming nodded his head, showing that he understood whatever Ali was saying just now. Ming knew it was important to respect a particular culture’s tradition.

“Hello Ming and Ali, I think it’s time to go back to class.” Ming and Ali turned around at the same time, only to see Muthu, the smartest boy in the class and also their best friend. So, Ming, Ali and Muthu headed back to class, talking enjoyably and laughing at each other’s jokes.

As usual, everyone settled down in class. The teacher announced that they were going to have a small Hari Raya celebration. First, they had a small quiz on Hari Raya. “So the first question, can anyone list 1 snack that Malays eat during Hari Raya?” Ming raised up his hand and shouted “The Ketupat!” Mrs Tan nodded her head. “The second question, what is month of fasting during Hari Raya called?” Mrs Tan asked again. “Ramadan!” Muthu shouted without hesitation. Mrs Tan nodded her head again. “I guess you two really know Hari Raya very well!” The trio started laughing, Hari Raya is very interesting.

“See you soon Ali!” Muthu and Ming shouted to him after school. The trio would be at Ali’s house in the evening to celebrate Ali breaking fast and of course, enjoy the food. In the evening, when Muthu and Ming arrived at the front of Ali’s house, they saw many green and golden coloured decorations. Ali and his parents welcomed the two guests with open arms. “Where’s the food, I’m so hungry!” Ming, the foodie said while he looked around the room. Everyone laughed so loudly that everyone’s voices resounded within the house.

Soon, dinner was served and it was a big feast, with ketupat, beef rendang and other Malay delicacies. Ming let the adults tuck in first before he and Muthu started hoarding the food as if they had been starving for days. After the fulfilling dinner, Ming, Ali and Muthu played board games together and also had some small drinks and snacks.

People from different races and religions being able to celebrate festivals together is not such a rare scene in Singapore. In fact, this proves the success and racial harmony in Singapore, it’s cultural diversity has made it a great country and the fact that most people respect other’s race, religion and culture, we are able to see that people from different races can mix with each other easily, whether it’s with your schoolmates, or your neighbours.

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