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Writer's pictureThe Good Writer

STOP! We need to Talk About This... NOW! : Explaining the Controversy that involved me

Look, I know you are wondering, well I'm such a good boy right, how in the world could I have done something wrong for a controversy to occur? Well, honestly, I am considerably dumb and as I am currently looking at the situation, what have I possibly done wrong.

It seems like a friendly conversation about feedback gone wrong and the rapid, quick turning of tables in this controversy. Whoever said "Sitting on the fence you'll fall one day...", you're not wrong, it depends on you haha what a joke! So, I could write a whole speech to try to convince you sitting on fences ain't have nothing wrong with it.

Ok so now, let's get to the topic of this rigged and stupid controversy. Which rule or law in Singapore says you cannot be part of two groups of people who have a passion for the same thing. "Oh it's cause they are rival groups, yeah don't mess with them." Sure... thanks for giving such an appalling answer, "SO WHAT" is what I would say. (credits my history teacher)

Yeah ok so you're angry at me ok sure I am ready to take any insult you throw into my face but too bad I'm not gonna respond man, I don't care if you insult or I don't know what you do to the other group cause that's your problem, don't even get me started on vulgarities or anything. Well, my best response to you is "Ok. Noted. Thanks." no matter how ugly this thing actually gets as long I get my right back, well freedom of speech is your right, it's everybody's right, but whatever you say, just goes to show what kind of person you are, so why should I even care about you.

Oh time for rebuttals... "this post shows I'm caring about you!" Haha yeah I wouldn't say it's untrue, this is exactly the reason why this community can never be perfect and Ok I accept my fate. Next up, disloyalty to a group. What in the world are you saying, if so, I would've betrayed you or offended you in some way, DID I EVEN? DID I EVEN? In what way did I try to insult you, in what way did I try to betray you and what did I do. I believe what Dhar Mann says, the things you do always have a way of coming back to you, so just watch your back.

I'm telling you right now, if you get onto my nerves, you will never be my enemy, cause I have none. I have dedicated my whole life to being kind to everyone and also myself. I'm being nice to myself here by ranting. Well, I'm not blaming anyone, nor am I using my words as a weapon, I'm just a 14-year-old boy who's passionate for something, and if I'm doing anything wrong by trying to get more involved in my passion, just tell me. What am I doing wrong, where is that friendly, positive and peaceful community that my passion represents, what is the point of hurting others specifically with your words. This post is not dedicated or pointing fingers to anyone, if you did not do anything wrong, what do you need to be scared off? Seriously? Standing up for yourself is good, but please, please do it in the right way.

Thank you.

Signing off,

The Good Writer

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