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Writer's pictureThe Good Writer

The 4 Key Elements...My Story of Origins


Tracy, was usually the 1st in class, usually even topping the whole cohort and level in nearly all her subjects. There was no teacher nor student who did not know Tracy. While Tracy was used to the fame she was continually gaining in school, though sometimes called a nerd, she had never once bragged about her excellent and perfect scores. Whenever teachers or her classmate and friends praised her, she would always say that same sentence "The results aren't always perfect, there will always be room for improvement!"

While in school she interacted with her friends and sometimes played with them, she was extremely serious at home. She works on revision and homework diligently while at home, she also wrote and prepared her own notes for the exams. While you may have been playing video games, Tracy would most likely be reading a book with a dictionary and small vocabulary book by her side. Tracy, being the top in level, also had to deal with questions that her friends were not sure how to do. She was patient in explaining, she would continue on, using simper and simpler terms to try expressing the question easier. I wouldn't say Tracy was picky on friends but in fact she had only few real friend.

Due to her popularity, Tracy was well-prepared for a friend to pop by to ask her how to do the hole piece of homework, which Tracy would always reject, those fake friends! Tracy valued friendships but fake friends that backstab her were not an ideal choice. Tracy's real friends were usually people who enjoyed making notes and have fun studying. This made Tracy more motivated to ace her tests and when her friends are learning from her, she is learning at times too. as an extrovert in the debate team, she was a lawyer in nearly every sharing question, either during CCE or in subjects.

This was Tracy.

Credits to my friend, Earth ;-)

Yun Feng

Yun Feng was a boy of courage. No bully in the school dared to bully him and whenever Yun Feng was around, the bullies would lay low. Yun Feng was also quite good in his studies but not as good as Tracy was. Yun Feng was one of those who was hyped in studying but more committed to discourage bullying.

He slowly progressed up the ranks. After nominated as class chairman, he continued to improve, thus elected a prefect then to a head prefect before being promoted to Vice Chairman of Treasury in the Students’ Council. And in the final year of his studies he was nominated as the chairman of the Council. Yun Feng implemented the See and Report System, in which there would always be a teacher stationed at where the students usually were.

Whenever he saw a bullying case, he would shout at the bully and scare him off. Yun Feng also liked sports and more of trying new things. He has tried nearly every kind of sport, from golf to swimming. Now he was doing gymnastics. Being talented in all fields, Tracy learnt swimming from Yun Feng as he suggested that after studying, they should do workouts and sports for relaxation and Tracy agreed too that exercise was crucial to health.

This is Yun Feng.

Credits to my friend, Fire ; )


So Colette was a naturally smart girl. Her wits was out of the ordinary. She was usually the 2nd in level, the 1st being Tracy. Yet her study group with Tracy and Yun Feng was successful. Colette was an optimistic girl and was extremely elated that after teaching Tracy, she had gotten first place, though she herself had dropped by one place. Colette used to be an introverted girl and was a loner who was famous for scoring 1st in the past.

This was until Colette met Tracy and Yun Feng, and the both welcomed her to join the study group, being extremely impressed by Colette’s excellence. When she interacted with Tracy, she realised that she could help her and Yun Feng. With her intelligence quotient being very high, she understood nearly everything. She was proficient in all subjects. The only things she was not really good at was writing and oral. That was why Colette dropped to 2nd place.

Colette was a girl who loved answering questions. Usually after a test or an examination, you would see her either solving a crossword puzzle or doing Sudoku questions. She loved riddles too. She had already gone through nearly the whole book and used them to trick her friends, and when Colette‘s friends gave her funny answers, she would end up laughing.

This is Colette.

Credits to my friend, Air...


James was a mischievous boy of his age. However, there was still something good about him. James could think of something and make it using any kind of materials that were around him. While building with lego without even touching the instructions was his speciality, though his grades were not the best.

James was one of the bullies in the school, who often bullied Colette in the past but after that, Colette stood up to him and he turned to bullying other people. James wanted to be popular, so he tried to achieve that by bullying people. Although there were people who tried to stop him, he thought that he was famous, instead he was turned down for many scholarships and. So with his creative heart and mind, he worked hard and still managed to get into a good university.

This is James.

Credits to my friend, Water.

Their personalities match to the elements they are linked to.

The 4 most powerful elements of the Universe...

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