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Writer's pictureThe Good Writer



I grinned like a Cheshire Cat. I had gotten full marks for my Mathematics paper! This was a great achievement as this time’s Preliminary Examination Paper was extremely hard. While I was admiring the one hundred written in red, the recess bell rang. I exuberantly skipped towards the canteen to “reward” myself with the scrumptious food.

Just as I walked towards my most liked Chinese noodles stall, the school’s, on second thought world’s most infamous and notorious bully, Amelia, strolled coolly towards me. I am actually a boy, but I am mostly bullied by girls, which is an issue. “So, pipsqueak got full marks for the math paper, huh?” She started her mocking, “Too bad, well you are unlucky today, totally sorry to say, give me your money now, and all of them!” She demanded, showing her already outstretched hand.

I did not even think Amelia even felt a little bit of sorry. I just turned by back towards her, ignoring her mean comments, trying not to spoil my good day. Amelia grinned, and I knew what that meant. She pulled me and pushed me to the floor. As I tried to get up, she delivered a kick towards my stomach, I groaned in pain. She grimaced and then gagged when she saw the plight of me.

For all these years, Amelia has taunted me, called me names, embarrass me in front of my friends, but never has she touched even one strand of hair. I was raging. I felt my blood boiling as my eyes turned red with fury.

Just then, Adelia, Amelia’s “sidekick” came strolling towards her. I expected her to land a punch on my nose. Unexpectedly, she helped me up and walked away from Amelia. “Hey! Adelia! What are you doing? You are supposed to help me bully this helpless boy!” “You don’t tell me what to do! You promised to change, but you didn’t! This friendship is done for!” she retorted firmly. “You bitc…” even before Amelia finished her sentence, Adelia swayed her hair and briskly walked away with me by her side.

I was stunned by what Adelia had done. She was one of the worst bullies, but it seemed like she was a leopard that had changed its spots, her behaviour had changed. “I finally understand how it feels like being a victim of bullying, both Amelia and I promised to change, but she…” I immediately understood, she must have been bullied by another person and understood my feelings, but who? Who would bully Adelia?

I did not care now. “Muahahahahahahaha!” I turned around, whose evil cackle was that. “Wait it can’t be!” I exclaimed. A tall and dark shadow loomed over me and Adelia “What the…” Adelia and I said at once. I gasped in horror.

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ze yeeter
ze yeeter
Mar 12, 2021

This didn't happen did it

The Good Writer
The Good Writer
Mar 13, 2021
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