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Writer's pictureze yeeter

The Horror Story of Block 600G

Author's note: I recommend you to read this story at night.

To prevent usage of actual locations, the location of Block 600G has been intentionally censored.

"Hey, check out this article I found about a haunted HDB block!" was the text message that John was greeted with the moment he woke up. It was from his good friend, Marcus. Clicking on the link in the message, John's phone was redirected to a blog article that read as follows:


Block 600G is an unfinished HDB flat located at ██████ Street 30. It's part of an estate comprising of blocks 600A to 600F. Due to the layout of the estate, blocks 600A to 600F were built on one side of the road while block 600G was built on the other side, over a graveyard filled with unmarked tombstones. Many graves were removed before construction, but as all the graves are marked with only rocks, there may be many more graves still buried beneath the HDB block.

Although the other blocks in the estate were completed without any problems, block 600G has not to this day. Rumour has it that many of the workers building the HDB flat were killed and eaten, leaving only skeletons. Some of those who survived reported that faceless creatures on the 13th floor of the block had taken their colleagues away just as they had completed work. They managed to escape by running down the stairs and out of the building as quickly as they could. Due to the loss of workers and the surviving ones refusing to work in the building, the government stopped its construction.

Since then, no one has seen any traces of the mysterious killers. However, I believe that they are still lurking in block 600G, waiting to take revenge on humans for building on their grave...


"Don't be silly, Marcus! Everyone knows that this sort of thing doesn't exist! This article is probably just a horror story!" texted John.

"Well, why don't we go prove the article wrong? There's a bus service going to block 600G from the nearby bus interchange! We can go tonight at 8!"

"Ok, my parents won't be home tonight. See you at the interchange!"

That night, after a 10-minute long ride from the interchange, John and Marcus stepped off the bus into the shadow of block 600G. The building was a giant, ugly block of concrete. Where the windows were supposed to be fitted only showed lifeless square holes. This was a stark contrast to the HDB flats opposite the road, painted in hues of green and blue, all their floor-to-ceiling windows illuminated.

Suddenly, the corridor lights on one of block 600G's floors flickered on. A shiver went down John's spine as the lights immediately illuminated a human-shaped figure pacing up and down the corridor.

"Marcus, look at that creature in the corridor!" said John in a panicky voice as he pointed the illuminated floor out.

"Where? I don't see anything there!"

Indeed, the figure was gone.

This was when John started having second thoughts about this expedition. He asked Marcus if they could just give it up and go home, but Marcus, being determined to get to the bottom of the situation, told him to not be a scaredy-cat and that he could go home on his own if he wanted to. John felt extremely insulted and told Marcus that he would be going with him.

Block 600G was fenced up with a green barricade displaying multiple "DANGER! DO NOT ENTER" signs. With no regard towards the warnings, John and Marcus found a small gap in the barricade and crossed into the unfinished building.

Due to the darkness of the interior, John and Marcus clicked on their flashlights and swung them from left to right. The inside of the block was even uglier than the outside, its bare void deck littered with sand, dirt and bits of concrete. The air was stale and musty, making John grateful that he had a mask on. Strangely, he could faintly smell rotting flesh. When he pointed it out to Marcus, he replied that it was most likely dead rats. John was skeptical.

It took only a short while before the duo found a stairwell. The moment they set foot inside, it was illuminated, despite it not having any lightbulbs. A quick search for the light's source let them figure out that it was coming from upstairs. John and Marcus quickly ascended the stairs, wanting to figure out the reason behind the illuminated floor.

Many flights of stairs later, John and Marcus emerged on the illuminated floor, out of breath. A plague on the wall of the stairwell read "13".

The corridor was empty, save for the flickering lightbulbs on the ceiling. Strangely, a fog had appeared outside, preventing John from being able to see the other HDB flats. He realised that if he and Marcus got into danger, no one would be able to see their cries of help.

"See, I told you that there's no creature here! The article was just a horror st-"

Before Marcus could finish his sentence, something grabbed him from behind with its spindly fingers. John turned around to see a faceless, skinny figure drag his good friend away. He tried to run away from the monster, but he only managed to take a couple steps before its other hand latched itself around his chest. John wanted to scream, but he was completely paralysed. A calm sensation then swept over him, overthrowing his panic. Then the creature slowly made him fall asleep. The last thing John saw before he fell unconscious were other faceless creatures lurking in the other end of the corridor, shrouded in darkness, welcoming their next meal...

I have not written a creative essay in a while, so feel free to rate this story and comment on anything that can be improved! If you liked it, leave a like! And don't forget to subscribe to D&KB Writing by filling in the Subscribe Form at the bottom of the page! Lastly, please fill in the form for the new series, Big Questions, Small Opinions at Your opinions are greatly appreciated!

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What a wonderful post, it did kind of scare me! A very creative idea of a horror story. Keep it up!!

ze yeeter
ze yeeter
Dec 18, 2021
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Thank you so much!

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