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She's running away. I give chase. Does she seriously think she can get away with those scrawny legs of hers? Aww, how naive. Gripping the handle of my knife tightly, I sprint forward, an ominous smile spreading across my face. The poor girl looks behind occasionally, only to find me hot on her heels. She's slowing down by the second, but not me. Gradually, I corner her into one of those narrow dark alleys. If anything goes wrong, I can easily escape. I know this place like the back of my hands, though I don't look at my hands often. I usually wear gloves, in case of fingerprints.

Soon enough, we, or rather she, reach a dead end. She falls to the floor, kicking the dirt and trying to push away from me. Although there's a brick wall behind. Sometimes desperate people do dumb things. I walk closer, feeling adrenaline rush through my veins. Oh how I love this feeling. As I approach, she tries to huddle into a ball, not daring to look me. I bend down and turn her face towards me. With my index finger, I tilt her head up by the chin, forcing her to look into my eyes. "You saw something , didn't you?" I whisper into her ears.

"No! And get away from me!!!" She shrieks, kicking me in the stomach, sending me stumbling backwards, grimacing in pain. Feisty, I like it. Suddenly, a cardboard box is hurled in my direction, hitting right smack in my face. Urgh, how dare she. I turn back to face her, only to see that she's trying to run off. I sprint forward, grabbing her shoulder and pinning her to the wall. "Don't try, it won't work," I say, bring up my blood-stained knife. The sharp blade cuts through her cheek as I slide it across, the familiar crimson colour that oozes out bringing a smirk to my face. Teeth clenched, she shivers in pain. Her face turns pale, making her blood stand out under the dim moonlight.

Heh, this never gets old. I pull my hand back and forcefully stab her in the ribs. She groans in pain and shut her eyes tight. Pulling out the knife, I watch her fall to the floor, hands clasping over her blood-soaked blouse. The blood drips down from my knife, like how it did half an hour back. I squat down and place my knife on her throat. "You brought this upon yourself," I spit out and before she could say her last word, I slice her throat. Instantly, her life ends. You can only see the whites of her eyes as she lies lifelessly, covered in her own blood. Pfft hahaha, she looks like a rag doll that's left in the storage room for ages!

Alright, I guess I should go. Standing up, I hide the knife in my hoodie pocket. I let down my hood and take off my mask and gloves, stuffing them in the other pocket. I then walk home briskly, a satisfied grin on my face.

Please give me feedback on this cause I can't help but feel something is lackinggggg.

29 views7 comments


Jan 05, 2021

For Darius, I specifically didn't want to write it out in words cause I hope the reader can "participate" in the story and figure it out using what's given, pretty much like comprehension. And for Kai Bo, thanks for rating! :D


The Good Writer
The Good Writer
Jan 05, 2021

Rating: 9.5/10

Comments: It is quite as good as the last story, this one. This one gives suspense to the reader, one good thing is that the writer did not use speeches for her thoughts. Quote "Aww, how naive." What I usually will do is put it as a speech and write, "I muttered". I do quite enjoy reading murder stories and I can tell out a good piece of writing. So, there's really nothing wrong with it. Congratulations, 1 story left to go Denise ;-). 8XP for you.


ze yeeter
ze yeeter
Jan 05, 2021


Maybe not explaining that was what was lacking


Jan 05, 2021

Actually what I meant was that the murderer killed someone half an hour ago, and the girl saw it. Thus, the murderer was determined to kill the girl so that he won't have to go to jail.


ze yeeter
ze yeeter
Jan 05, 2021

As I quote: The blood drips down from my knife, like how it did half an hour back , why did you say that you first cut the girl half an hour ago when you had just cut her?

I think that's what's wrong.

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