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立化感情,中一 : Week 2--Secondary 1 First Teaching Week, The 立化 Storybook Series Part II

Monday 18/1/2021:

Monday Blues...

So, after the "chaotic" orientation week, the lessons have finally started. (I don't want it to though...) CCE was the first period (actually it was recess 1st period :DDDD) and yeah it is a little boring. What actually happened was that whenever the teacher asked a question, we were supposed to do discussion and write individual responses. Unfortunately though(...), my friends have seen me write like so much, literally a lot so I was just in a sense doing solo work, but whatever. History was next and when the teacher asked who wanted to be history representative, I just raised up my hand (Meanwhile at that time, I look around, only me, wow...). I mean another guy also was chosen to be the rep so (yay!). Lunch was eaten in classroom on Monday. We had Terriyaki Chicken Rice, it contained Terriyaki Chicken, half an egg and obviously, white rice. Geography was next but really, it was boring but I still took some notes like history but let's skip through that (and hope the geography teacher won't see this... Hehe!) . After a while, it was Higher Chinese lesson. The teacher was quite cool and quite humorous and his name is 芦老师 (I hope this is right...). He introduced himself to us about some recent news and where he came from and went though only 1 page of the textbook and finished up. PE was the last period but sadly we could not do anything as we had to measure our height and weight. We also had to organise our groupings, answered our questions that were given to each of us and went back to class as there was a CCA briefing and UG (Uniformed Groups) Showcase.

UG Showcase + CCA briefing and the nothing that happened

So, we had the Uniformed Groups showcase and so we started with the NPCC (National Police Cadet Corps). The girls presenting about it were quiet, not very clear. I heard that it is quite fun, they had team bonding activities and they just left. Then came the Girl Guides. Their attitude weren't really that good to the boys. Well, there was a Kahoot game and I guess it was fun? (Trust me, it's not)

CUT!!! After a long moment...

Hey... So we got Scouts, from a teacher called Mr. Huang and he just introduced us stuff that they would do in scouts and let us watch a video (let me just brief through this...). Ok, NCC (National Cadet Corps) was the most interesting cause they said they did rock climbing, laser tag. They literally said that they play more than they train so Idk, maybe I want to join. (Supposed to be)Lastly, St. Johns came to our class and presented their CCA to us and when they left, we already were packing our bags preparing to leave as it was nearly 3.30p.m. Actually, Choir was the last one that came to our class to present their CCA and all of us were like HUH? The presentation ended at 3.30p.m. but the stay back continued to drag as the CCA Briefing had not been done yet and that briefing was on Zoom and took like 30-35 min and in the end when I arrived the school gate, we were 40 minutes late from the original dismissal time, 3.30p.m.

Tuesday 19/1/2021:

The Second, Continued Meet-the-Teacher-Day...

The first period was supposed to be a common test period (If you don't know, common test is a small weighted assessment for individual subjects that the school teaches and is a period on every Tuesday morning. If there is no common test, the last period will be shifted to the morning common test period, in a sense replacing it). Obviously, there was no common test since it's only the 2nd week in school but the last period was not moved forward as that 1 hour period was used for the going through of School Rules and Regulations, Appropriate Wearing of School Attires and some other stuff. Next was Maths period (actually recess first) and it turns out that our Math teacher was also our Secondary 1 Year Master, Mr. Liew Gong Kai, who just did some introduction about himself, went through some classroom norms, slides and gave out Math handouts (notes) before leaving. Next was Science lesson. The Science teacher talked real quickly and immediately started lessons but fortunately she had a fun lesson with us as we had to do a recording of a video based on a scenario she gave us so it was quite cool. Our lunch came next and we finally ate our first proper meal as an RVian (I mean proper because we had eaten in the canteen before, during orientation) and I ate Yong Tau Foo, quite yummy in fact. Music lesson, which lasted for one-and-a-half hours. The music teacher was very very very very veryx1000 funny, quite humorous and we were laughing for nearly the whole time. Then, it was English Language Arts. The teacher, Ms. Straaten appeared to be very strict and so we were very quiet while she presented herself and gave us a diagnostic test to test our ability to write. After that, I was Computer Class, the teacher was Mr. Oh and he taught us how to login to our school email and the school Wi-Fi. I could not even login the computer but then I realised that the changed password should not have any number/letters in it before logging in to the following. Dismissal followed.

CCA trials?

There were supposed to be CCA trials on that day, but the form teacher said that only girls from all classes would need to stay back that day to complete the sports(girls) trial before going home. So I just went home, nothing else.

Wednesday 20/1/2021

The Day which had totally nothing

Well, morning assembly and we started our first proper geography lesson which we learnt about what geography was then next came a 15 minute break and another 15 minutes for recess which meant 30 min of rest time!!! We moved on to Math next. Mr. Liu taught us about Prime Numbers for 45 minutes and how to identify them, gave us 2 questions for homework and left, nothing that interesting. Then came 芦老师, the Chinese teacher. He taught us another page and talked about a lot of other stuff. After ordered lunch, which was Chicken rice, which we ate in the class, it was CID 1 ***(I will explain what this means at the end of the story) and we learnt some basic stuff about being a good learner and good thinker before we left the air-conditioned Design Studio and went back to class. History was up next and we talked a little more about Change and Continuity in History. Then, it was English Language Arts. It was way more interesting as Ms. Straaten arranged for us to go on a library tour that day and it was obvious that I loved it since the library was like the biggest school library in Singapore of all secondary schools. Unfortunately, some people made a lot of noise which disrupted Mr. Kwan's presentation. (Mr. Victor Kwan is the school librarian, well that's bad that there was a disruption, you'll see...) Dismissal was immediate and we left the school as there wasn't any activities needed for staying back after school, so YAYY!!!!

Thursday 21/1/2021:

A Day of WAY more activity

After morning assembly as usual, it was time for the English Reading Programme for about 25 minutes. I used the time to read The Boy in the Striped Pajamas which was the literature book, the school asked us to buy. Science was next and we still could not go to lab, which was becoming increasingly weird since it was a Science (Practical) lesson but whatever. Appreciation of Chinese Culture came next and the teacher was what I thought a little too strict and since I don't wish to explain RV's history to all of you, I will skip this part. After that was PE and we finally got to do some stuff. So we did planking, Russian twist, Jogging/Running on the field for 7 minutes straight. Well, the great thing about PE is that when we are doing warm-up or indoor exercises, the teacher would play music for us to listen. Lunch was next and for a change, I ate Terriyaki Chicken Rice and a banana. We had Math after lunch and we were taught about Prime Factorisation which was kind of boring but at least I knew how to do it. Higher Chinese Lesson followed and we introduced our selves but only the girls had done that as 1 hour was not enough (I don't get why 1 hour wasn't enough but Ok at least I didn't need to present). English Language Arts would be dreaded as Ms. Straaten was told that our class was too noisy during the library presentation.

The "STRESSFUL" CCA Sports Trials

Well, whenever I thought of the trials for Sports CCA, I always think it's too easy, I mean how hard can it be. So, our class' first trial was put at about 3.50p.m., so we still had a lot of time to rest. Two of our orientation Facilitators, Ci Han and Andrea, came to our class and were supposed to take us to the trial venue but since we were free, they just hung out in the classroom. Andrea told us some horror stories while Ci Han just continued telling us about some school stuff. Soon, we went to the hall for the Badminton CCA trials and I was one of the last ones to try it out. I was playing against a girl from the school team and it was about the same for score wise but I mean the coach didn't say much about my progress so I guess I was just normal. After the badminton trial was the table tennis trial. I was pretty sure that I didn't do well. I mean I did hit back quite a few balls but obviously not good enough, so I won't even consider to join it anyways. Wushu was next, we did a routine, splitting, warming up, punching and kicking. The final sport was actually basketball/floorball. Basketball was for boys while floorball was for girls. We were asked to dribble the basketball, throw the ball using chest pass and overhead pass, shoot and run while dribbling at the same time. I injured one of my friends, very sorry about it... In the end, I think I practically got no acknowledgement except that I may be able to join basketball but I rejected the idea. How stressful, I thought, before going home.

Friday 22/1/2021

Our First TGIF Day!!!

Just in case you do not know what TGIF is, it is Thank God It's Friday. On TGIF, we are allowed to wear any RVHS shirt. For now, we only have one, which is the Orientation 2021 Shirt, which I chose to wear. After morning assembly, it was Chinese Reading period (since we are a SAP school). I read 逗号, which was something like the Thumbs Up Chinese Magazine for us. After that came English Language Arts. We were given homework and did another diagnostic test before we were finished with the class. Design and Technology was the next period and turns out that it was an interesting topic. The teacher went through all the basic norms/rules, what we would be doing in the future, the assessments and then he went through how to draw a sketch of 3D letters before we went back to class for lunch. That day's lunch should have been Veg. Fried Noodles but we got sliced potatoes, cabbage and bee hoon instead so I guessed that what it meant was Vegetarian Fried Bee Hoon. After Lunch followed CCE lesson.

Secondary 1-G Class Chairman Official Elections



Clarence Joy

Kai Bo Xiao Sui

Jaden Chloe

Yu Xuan

So, we held a Class Chairman Election during CCE period. The results will be shown below for your information. Class Chairman Candidates were not allowed to vote by the way


Clarence: 12 votes Joy: About 22 votes

Kai Bo (me): 9 votes Xiao Sui: About 4 to 5 votes

Jaden: 8 votes Chloe: About 3 to 4 votes

Yu Xuan: 0 votes Total: 33-3=30

Total: 33-4=29

So Class Chairman is Clarence and Joy up to date.

A bunch of stuff that happened next

Math and Science came after CCE. For math, we just did some practice on prime factorisation again before moving on to finding HCF (Highest Common Factor). Then for Science, we finally went to the Physics Lab and did some stuff by measuring the sink and at the same time, learning how to Parallax Error before we were dismissed like 10-15 minutes late.

The DAMNED and Screwed Up Choir Audition

At about 4.30p.m., I logged on to Zoom for the Choir Audition. I then waited for a while before I was invited into a Breakout room and after 1 minute, the teacher was like "You may go..." I knew I had screwed up but whatever, it was just a try-hard kind of audition. ;-;

Look out for next week's Part III. Special Edition will come out very soon...

Byeeee!!! See u peeps later...

This is an 8 min read which has

Characters: 12262

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The Good Writer
The Good Writer
Jan 25, 2021

is that a flex?


The Good Writer
The Good Writer
Jan 25, 2021



ze yeeter
ze yeeter
Jan 25, 2021

Did you know that I can write an over 189 000 letter story

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